"Mazda MX5": specifications, reviews

"Mazda MX5": specifications, reviews
"Mazda MX5": specifications, reviews

"Mazda MX5" is a car that attracts thousands of looks. Such a spectacular car is hard not to notice in the stream of other vehicles. After all, this is a conqueror of urban roads from a Japanese manufacturer.

mazda mx5
mazda mx5

Model history

Before talking about modern versions of this popular car today, I would like to touch on its long history. The first generation of machines started back in 1989. In ten days, they managed to sell the annual quota of cars! And this, by the way, is 75 thousand copies! Over 25 years of activity of the Japanese concern, more than 940 thousand cars have been sold! It is not surprising that these data were included in the Guinness Book of Records. It is the Mazda MX5 that holds the absolute record in terms of the number of sales in the class of 2-seater sports cars. This model has more than two hundred awards and various titles, which she was awarded in various countries. Well, in their homeland, this car was recognized as the best car of 2005-2006.

General Description

What does the Mazda MX5 look like? It's unique and powerfula convertible-top roadster that resembles the sports racing cars in some American films. A real sports car with a moderately aggressive character is the Mazda MX5. The photos of this car are fascinating, and the technical characteristics are even more so. A trip on such a car will bring incredible pleasure to any person who appreciates comfort, good handling and speed.

Mazda mx5 photo
Mazda mx5 photo

Style & Design

To create such a unique and mesmerizing car, manufacturers have been developing designs for a long time. They did not involve other specialists in the work. Everything that we can see today is the work of professionals from the Mazda concern, as well as European and American designers. Not surprisingly, more than one billion dollars was spent on the development of the design. But the appearance of the model is simply dizzying.

Mazda mx5 specifications
Mazda mx5 specifications

In fact, the design of this car is the first thing that catches your eye. The developers have relied on the appearance and did not lose. After all, all motorists are aesthetes, and it is important for them that their vehicle looks appropriate. But every driver sees the Mazda MX5 in his own way. Everyone finds different advantages and subtleties. Rounded compact headlights, folding top, ascetic interior design, powerful large wheels - everything looks very harmonious and even sophisticated. In general, we can say with confidence that there is hardly a competitor for this car, at least in the Japanese market. And in hisclass in Russia he has no equal at all.

Technical equipment

Mazda MX5 is not just a beautiful car. It is also a powerful, fast vehicle that will appeal to many lovers of speed. A born sports car - that's what you can say about a car like the Mazda MX5. The specs are really impressive - sporty alloy wheels, powerful muffler, squatting shape, great dynamics.

The car is equipped with a two-liter gasoline engine, which is one of the most popular today, if we talk about the cars of the Mazda manufacturer. Indeed, 2-liter engines have been tested by time on many cars of the Japanese concern. But they were used for the first time on a sports car. The Mazda MX5 is also equipped with a six-speed manual transmission. In general, it cannot be said that the car is particularly sporty: 160 hp. from, to “hundreds”, it takes acceleration in a little less than eight seconds, and about ten liters of fuel are spent per hundred kilometers in the city. But this does not prevent you from enjoying sports driving while sitting behind the wheel of a sports car.

mazda mx5 reviews
mazda mx5 reviews

What is worth talking about separately is the suspension of the roadster. This is a completely separate issue. The suspension of the car is not afraid of any potholes, pits and bumps on the roads. Handling is top notch - credit to the manufacturers.


"Mazda MX5" surprises not only with good technical characteristics, but also with its price. For fans of active travel, that's whylove this car - it satisfies their driving needs and is inexpensive (and the cost is reasonable, and maintenance is not expensive, and it uses little gasoline).

The basic version of the sports car will cost 1,300,000 rubles. And that's for a brand new car! Of course, some may say that this is not such a loyal amount, but it is worth taking another look at this luxurious convertible roadster and realizing the error in your statement.

You can say that "Mazda Miata MX5" is a universal car. It is great for people who need a comfortable car for daily trips, and is also a great option for connoisseurs of active driving. "Mazda MX5" receives positive reviews precisely because it is a unique symbiosis of conventional civilian transport and a sports car.


Potential buyers are offered two complete sets - Sport and Comfort. Between themselves, they differ a little, namely, that the sports version is equipped with a manual transmission, but the “comfortable”, respectively, automatic. For such a difference, you will have to overpay seven thousand rubles.

Mazda mx5 characteristic
Mazda mx5 characteristic

But both versions are luxury cars with a well-designed comfortable interior, excellent audio system, comfortable sports seats and a comfortable steering wheel. By the way, the interior at first glance seems very simple. But this is only the first impression. Behind the simplicity, high-quality finishing materials are hidden, a lot of different options (however, for themthe buyer will have to pay extra) and great features. So the external “ordinary” is just an optical illusion. And besides, everyone knows that classic and no frills is a sign of good taste.

Updated version

Toward the end of 2014, in September, the concern presented to the public a new fourth-generation Mazda MX5 convertible. It can hardly be called restyling - a completely new two-seater sports car has appeared to the world. The premiere of the model took place simultaneously in three countries: in Japan (where the model was presented as a Roadster), in the USA (MX5 Miata) and in Spain (there this car is simply called MX5). Some time later, in October last year, the car was presented in Paris.

mazda mx5 convertible
mazda mx5 convertible

Sales start this spring, so fans of the Japanese concern can already tune in to buy. Indeed, today one of the most popular and desired cars of the Japanese manufacturer is the Mazda MX5. The characteristics of the car and its appearance, combined with a loyal price, inspire sports car lovers so much that many have expressed a desire to purchase this model for themselves.

New Features

The new Mazda (2015-2016) just has to be a great car. In any case, no worse than its predecessor. It has a complete set of tools in its arsenal, which is necessary for the qualitative promotion of the car around the world. Everything here is on top: both the design and the exterior, made inpopular style KODO-Soul, and ergonomic interior, and modern equipment, and chassis - in general, really everything.

Development engineers, thinking about creating an updated MX5, decided to introduce modern technologies into it, but at the same time preserve the company's traditions. So the new car will be incredibly easy to drive, fast, but with a traditional design, low curb weight and a powerful engine. The model is based on a rear-wheel drive unique chassis, featuring a 2-link suspension - due to this, it was possible to achieve excellent handling. Plus, I would like to note the ideal weight distribution along two axes.

mazda miata mx5
mazda miata mx5


A car for lovers of active driving and comfort - this is how the owners characterize Mazda. Summing up all of the above, I would like to say that this car is really worth buying if you want to have a sports car that can be used as an option for daily trips. In any case, the owners of this model do not complain - they confidently claim that the Mazda MX5 was created to enjoy driving it. In addition, many note the excellent endurance of the car - this is also important, and, of course, reliability. Of the minuses - perhaps a low landing (not everyone likes it). But what can you expect from a sports car, because this is the peculiarity of cars in this class.

In the aggregate, all the advantages simply leave no doubt for a potential buyer. So it is not surprising that the Mazda MX5 is activelyinterested in and, of course, acquire it. Good luck on the road!
