2025 Author: Erin Ralphs | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:14
As you know, a moving motorcycle needs only two points of support - the front and rear wheels. However, sooner or later any motorcycle has to stop. To maintain the vertical position of the iron horse at rest, mankind has come up with a simple and reliable thing - a side step.

Fixing the motorcycle upright
A slight movement of the leg, worked out to automatism, and the rider leaves the saddle, leaving the motorcycle to stand leaning on three points. However, heated asph alt, loose soil or loose soil can play a cruel joke on a motorcyclist, and upon his return he may find a faithful friend lying on his side, in a puddle of gasoline and oil. Experienced riders know about this, someone puts a custom footboard with a large heel, someone carries a specially stocked plywood with them, well, brutal bikers on chrome monsters basically don’t use anything but a flattened beer can.

Motorcycle Trolleys
Another thing is the placement of the motorcycle in the garage. Yes, the floor there, as a rule, is concrete, and the motorcycle is not in danger of tipping over, but for more comfortable access to components and assemblies, the vertical position of the vehicle is required, and there is a slight slope to the left on the side stand. Sometimes this problem is solved by a center stand, but not all motorcycles, in principle, can be equipped with such a device. Therefore, the most optimal solution is tackles for a motorcycle. These devices allow you to fix the vehicle in a strictly vertical position and, due to the wide base, provide significantly greater stability compared to the center stand. Motorcycle stands are widely used in service centers, and in a private garage they can be used.
Types of rolls and stands
Modern industry offers a wide range of suitable devices, so choosing a tackle for your motorcycle will not be a big deal. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the motorcycle, the type, as well as the type of rear suspension. The rear tack usually locks the motorcycle under the rear swingarm, which allows you to easily remove the rear wheel. The front tackle for a motorcycle is much higher; Therefore, the front tackle is fixed under the traverse, ideally the top one, if the design of the motorcycle allows. The higher the fixation point is, the more stable the structure. In view of the hugenumber of options for the device of the front fork, ideally, you need to select the front tackle directly under the motorcycle. For cross-country motorcycles, they do not use tackles, but stands for the central part.

Self-made tackle
Motorcycle tackle is not that complicated. If you do not want to spend from three to ten thousand rubles on a purchase, it is quite possible to make them yourself. There are quite a few drawings and instructions on how to make tackles, all you need is some metalworking skills, the basics of welding, a corner or square and 2-4 small wheels. The latter are great for old inline skates.
The basis of your tackle is a U-shaped frame. The width must be chosen based on the width of the rear swingarm or front fork if you are doing a front tackle. Add five centimeters to fit. It is advisable to strengthen the corners of the frame with scarves. It is desirable to weld a handle to the crossbar for convenience. At the ends of the legs, make holes for attaching the axles of the wheels. Then you need to weld the racks to the ends of the legs. Please note that the racks must be welded at an acute angle to the legs of the frame in order to avoid tipping the roll forward. Seventy-five degrees is the optimal angle. It is imperative to make scarves between the uprights and the legs, since this corner accounts for the greatest weight. At the top of the racks are attached corners on which the pendulum will lie. Two nuances: the corners should not be welded hard, but placed on the axes of rotation, and it is advisable to cover with rubber so as not toscratching the pendulum cover.
How to do tackles for the front wheel? No more difficult than for the rear, but the racks must be higher and converge at the top for attachment to the traverse.

Making a motocross bike stand
A motocross bike stand is made somewhat differently. Since such transport is not mounted under the pendulum or traverse, but under the lower engine protection, an additional mechanism will be required to raise the stand platform. Usually the base of the stand is made in the form of a parallelogram, a vertical rack made of squares, a crossbar made of a corner or also made of squares. The base is better to do with departures, for greater stability. Rack squares should have open, deburred internal holes. A jack is placed in the center of the base, on which a lifting platform or an H-shaped frame is welded on top. Smaller squares are welded to the platform or frame, they must fit inside the base squares, providing the necessary stability.
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