Do-it-yourself seat heating installation

Do-it-yourself seat heating installation
Do-it-yourself seat heating installation

No matter how “cool” the car is, when the Russian winter comes, you don’t want to get into the car. The cabin seems to be warm, but the seats cool not only the soul, but also a certain part of the body. There are two ways out - either sit and warm the chair with your warmth, or install seat heating.

seat heating installation
seat heating installation

Some modern models already have a heating system as standard. The rest will either have to install heated seats with their own hands, or contact a car service. As a rule, questions about car service do not arise. There, the specialists themselves know what and how to install, and what to connect to. Another thing is self-installation.

Do-it-yourself seat heating installation

The first step is to choose the right set of heating elements. Some motorists are advised to purchase the Emelya UK-2 set, which is designed for two seats. This set comes with four heating elements. Therefore, for over three thousand rubles, you can equip two seats.

Work begins with the dismantling of the seat. Not,The chair itself does not need to be removed from the passenger compartment. It is enough to just remove the upholstery. Seat heating is installed under the upholstery of the seat and back of the chair.

do-it-yourself seat heating
do-it-yourself seat heating

In order not to damage the material, the upholstery should be slightly pulled down and then to the side. Then unhook the fastening clips. After that, the material must be carefully removed from the hooks. The upholstery is pulled out from under the chair, then the lower clip is unhooked. Now it's time for the rings. The work is going to be hard. The fact is that these fasteners are held in good conscience: to unhook them, you will have to use a screwdriver and pliers.

As soon as all the rings are unhooked, the plating will come off. Now the installation of heated seats begins directly. To do this, you need to remove the kit from the package. On one side of the heating elements are self-adhesive strips. Without removing the film from them, you need to attach the elements to the seat and back. It is good to disorganize the canvas and make sure that it does not protrude beyond the edges of the seat. You can then remove the protective film on the adhesive strips. With their help, the heating elements will stick to the plane. For reliability, you can use small clamps to secure the strips. But it's optional.

seat heating
seat heating

After fixing all the heating elements, you can start wiring and connect the heating to the car's electrical system. The first step is to decide on a place for the heating regulator. It can be installed next to a 12 volt outlet. The installation of the kit is largelydegrees will facilitate the two templates available in the set. To connect to the network, you need to remove the center console, then connect the bar, template and socket into a single whole. Two neat holes are cut according to the template.

Installation of heated seats provides connection to the ignition switch. In this case, you can use any free terminal. And do not forget about the "mass". After connection, the relay is installed. It can be placed next to the radio. All wiring is "hidden" under the center console, and it is fixed in place. The installation process is completed by returning to the seat upholstery.
