Painting a scooter with your own hands

Painting a scooter with your own hands
Painting a scooter with your own hands

In our time, the scooter has become a very popular form of summer transport. Like any two-wheeled vehicle, it is often damaged after falls. Many owners would like to fix it themselves, but are not familiar with the technology of repairing plastic products. This article will show you how to properly repair and paint your scooter.

Repair of cracks in plastic parts

The 3M Repair Kit 05900 is by far the most reliable way to glue broken plastic parts together. It is easy to work with, as step-by-step instructions are included in the package.

Glue two-component 3M 05900
Glue two-component 3M 05900

To those who will do this, only one piece of advice can be given about preparing cracks for gluing: to give the crack a V-shape, use the blade of a clerical knife. Just be sure to take precautions. Put on a thick glove on your left hand, and wrap the blade itself half the length with electrical tape.

Painting scooter plastic

The main problem when painting plastics is the poor adhesion (adhesion) of paints and varnishes to the surface of the plastic. But chemists found a solution and created a product scientifically called adhesion promoter.

Adhesion activator from U-POL
Adhesion activator from U-POL

In the distribution network, this product is often referred to as a 1K plastic primer, although, in fact, it is not a primer. Often, inexperienced painters call the same material a plasticizer, which is also fundamentally wrong. A plasticizer is a thick, clear liquid that is used to paint highly flexible plastics and is added directly to a primer, acrylic paint or varnish, while an adhesion promoter is applied directly to bare plastic.

Painting a scooter is almost the same as painting a car bumper. The only difference is the different colors. In other words, you most likely won't find exactly the same paint, even in a color matching lab. There is only one way out - to paint the part completely, in a similar car color.

Briefly about the order of work

1. Remove the damaged parts from the scooter and wash them thoroughly with laundry soap, leaving no traces of oils.

2. Glue the cracks according to the repair kit instructions.

3. Use polyester putty to achieve a final evenness of the seam.

4. Apply one thin coat of adhesion promoter to exposed plastic.

5. After a ten minute exposure, apply 2-3 coats of acrylic primer.

6. Sand the primer with P 800 grit and apply 2 coatspaint.

7. If you have a metallic or pearl paint, you need to apply a clear varnish after 40 minutes.

Most often scooters are painted in two or three colors. To speed up the process, you must first apply different enamels in turn, and then 40 minutes after using the latter, apply varnish to all parts at the same time. The difference in waiting time, before applying enamel, for each individual paint does not matter.

And one more important note. During the preparatory work for painting the scooter, clean gloves should always be worn on the hands. This will keep your fingers from getting rubbed with harsh abrasives.


Painting scooter rims

If you just want to change the color of the rims, it is not necessary to remove the tires from them. It is enough to cover them with masking tape and thick paper.

Then, using a gray scotch brite abrasive sponge, you need to carefully remove the gloss from the varnish, achieving a uniform haze.

After removing the dust, you can start painting.

If the rims are severely damaged, especially at the edges, the tires will have to be removed. The further process is similar to car body repair, only you need to make an allowance for the material from which the wheels are made. This is usually aluminum alloy.

So, your main task, as in the case of plastic, is to ensure reliable adhesion of paints and varnishes to aluminum. Epoxy primer will help you with this. Only this material has excellent adhesion to non-ferrous metals. It is sold in the same place as paints, and in manyshops by weight. 100 grams is enough for two discs.

Epoxy primer PPG DP 40
Epoxy primer PPG DP 40

Having studied the basics of technology, we can start repairing. After careful processing of defects, with an abrasive grade P 120, they must be puttied with a polyester composition. Before buying putty, make sure it can be used on aluminium.

Putty with adhesion to aluminum
Putty with adhesion to aluminum

If there is no such mixture on sale, you will first have to prime the discs with two full layers of epoxy primer and leave them for a day. Then apply risks to the ground with an abrasive red scotch-brite sponge and only after that proceed with puttying.

The next step is to apply the epoxy primer. But now one thin layer will be enough (it is needed only for adhesion). After one hour, without sanding the epoxy, apply three coats of acrylic primer. After the final alignment of the primed discs, you can start painting them.

This is the main thing you need to know to successfully paint your scooter.
