Manual transmission: device, principle of operation, oil change

Manual transmission: device, principle of operation, oil change
Manual transmission: device, principle of operation, oil change

Many motorists know firsthand about the benefits of a mechanical gearbox, because it is present in most domestic cars. A transmission of this type will not always please with ease of operation when compared with an automatic transmission, but does not detract from its merits. There is one caveat, which is maintenance. When buying a car with a manual transmission, be prepared to pay enough attention to this structural unit.

Timely oil change and maintenance extends the life of the box. For a better mastery of the rules of interaction with the checkpoint, those who are starting to master the automobile path should take a ride in the front seat, see how the process takes place, focusing on speed with each switch. Subsequently, this will be mentally remembered, management will become much easier. Quick switching, easy orientation in this matter will come with experience, so there is no need to despair at first. You should carefully study the schemes, find a detailed approach to the checkpoint.

Let's figure out what the essence of a complex device is, how to save fuel, avoid defects in this mechanism and at the same time get a comfortableride?

Tricks of design and basis of operation

Manual transmissions do not lose their positions
Manual transmissions do not lose their positions

Avoiding complex technical terms, we can note the following: a serious "mission" is entrusted to a manual transmission - to move the car from its place by connecting the rotating motor shaft to the wheel drives. In addition to this, an additional problem is solved. When the crankshaft reaches a certain number of revolutions, the power unit will acquire sufficient power, allowing the driver to enjoy speeds of up to 180 km / h and more. RPM range is wide.

Thanks to the well-thought-out technical features of the manual transmission, it is possible to easily switch speeds. The design nuance of the assembly is 2 or 3 shafts. Any transmission unit contains a set of shafts arranged parallel to each other with gears. The three-shaft unit is equipped as standard with primary, intermediate and secondary shafts:

  • The input drive shaft refers to the set of drive gears synchronized with the engine flywheel by means of a clutch.
  • Secondary driven variant connected tightly to cardan.
  • The role of the intermediate placed between them is to ensure the movement of rotation from the first to the second.

As a result, the manual transmission performs the most important function.

On the role of manual transmission "for dummies"

manual transmission can easily shift speed
manual transmission can easily shift speed

It is difficult for beginners to imagine device diagrams, so you can explainthe feasibility of using the mechanism in simple words:

  1. If talented engineers had not come up with a "smart" device, the car would accelerate smoothly, but very slowly. A mountain or a small climb for her would risk turning into an insurmountable obstacle due to a lack of power.
  2. The car would be impossible to move from idle. Due to the lack of power parameters at such a moment, you have to put pressure on the gas to increase them, a successful start.
  3. Parking is hard to imagine without this device: it provides the ability to reverse.

The transmission is switched on by connecting one of the gears of the secondary shaft with its base, rotating simultaneously in one place. Between the gears, special clutches are introduced that move along the shaft, acting as "lock" clutches. The clutches start moving thanks to the “slingshot” fastened to the transmission. At the same time, the drive of mechanical gearboxes can be lever, hydraulic (on trucks), cable. Some owners are interested in the topic of blocking.

More about locks

When buying a car with a manual transmission, you should be prepared to pay enough attention to this node
When buying a car with a manual transmission, you should be prepared to pay enough attention to this node

The topic of safety is exciting for any person, it becomes especially relevant when buying a very expensive metal road "dude". Do I need a mechanical gearbox lock and where? The owners consider it a reliable protection against intruders, not giving him a chance to break away at speed. The blocker is a lock that complicates the task of the hijacker.

Pinless interlocks sell well. It cannot act as an independent anti-theft mechanism, only supplementing the set of anti-theft measures. This useful “touch” is installed on Toyota Rav4, on Kia Sportage, Hyundai Greta, Renault Kaptur. The kit usually comes with three keys. Thieves have almost no chance.

The advantage of the pinless circuit is that the pin is mounted inside the gearbox, it is not visible from the outside, the thief will not understand why it does not work. The main thing is to arrange everything in a professional car service, observing the subtleties of intervention in the working unit. In terms of costs, this is not cheap, it pays off handsomely - you can sleep peacefully. Beerlocks and multilocks are preferred. This is due to their strength, confident operating mode. The choice is dictated by the driver's budget.

The main role in technology is played by gear ratios created by gear teeth. They need care, they work thanks to lubrication. In this regard, manual transmission oil is an important component.

On the expediency of oil in "mechanics"

The transmission is switched on by connecting one of the gears of the output shaft with its base
The transmission is switched on by connecting one of the gears of the output shaft with its base

In this practical device, the full operation of the entire unit depends on the quality and quantity of lubricant. The experts gave her several important options:

  • The role of lubrication in the operation of gears in engagement. With a sufficient amount of it, preventing obsolescence, smooth operation of the gears is observed. This is the most cost-effective way to prevent premature box wear. For a completeoperation, the oil in manual transmissions must be changed periodically.
  • The design provides for friction of parts, it produces debris in the form of metal chips. The result - the oily liquid becomes clogged, ceases to please the device.
  • The protective function is to envelop the elements with oil, protecting them from corrosion, oxides, friction.
  • Heat dissipation is important. In motion, the temperature index of the lubricant is 150 degrees, while an increase in this number of parts in engagement is inevitable. Oil promotes cooling.

It turns out that even a small amount of lubricant will extend the operating period.

Briefly about the justification for changing oils

Special couplings are introduced between the gears
Special couplings are introduced between the gears

Why does this question arise? It's up to the manufacturers. According to some of them, the lubricant in the transmission is enough for the entire life of the machine. The catch is that no one specifically has information about this period. This indicator is determined by the degree of wear of spare parts, driving style, conditions in which you have to move.

European drivers make it a habit to change a car every 7 years, renting it profitably for scrap, provided that it has an annual mileage of 35,000 km, this is not an indicator for Russian owners, and the situation is different in different brands. For example, in manual transmissions "Nissan" we have to talk about replacement after 80 thousand km. The reason for this procedure should be further understood.

Likbez for the reasons for changing the oil fluid

Specialistsidentify several determining factors.

  • The level of wear plays a role. Despite the high manufacturability of models of recent years, produced by the domestic, foreign auto industry, "old age" comes to each spare part. The minus of the “mechanics” is the lack of filtering in the system, which inevitably leads to obsolescence, and this happens faster here compared to the “automatic”.
  • The percentage of oil efficiency decreases over the years, under the influence of loads. After the car passes the mark of 250 thousand km, the acquisition of dark brown oil, the presence of chips is inevitable, although this is affected by the quality characteristics of the brand, behavior on the roads.
  • Foaming begins due to strong friction of the parts. This means the loss of useful protective, heat-removing and other properties. In an automatic transmission in a similar position, the car stops moving at all.
  • The role of lubrication is being lost.
  • Additives for some time will become a "talisman" for the oil, although over time they will lose their qualities.

"Diseases" of the transmission make themselves felt: a strange noise is heard, a strong hum is heard when switching, requiring urgent master intervention, analysis, replacements. After correctly taken measures, knocking is not audible, the speeds switch well. Foreign cars or domestic cars require a variety of manipulations depending on the brand, condition. The frequency of replacements varies: the Toyota manual transmission requires replacement after 40 thousand km of the routes traveled, in Qashqai measures can be taken after 80 km. What does it offer to usemanufacturer?

About Species

manual transmissions do not lose their positions
manual transmissions do not lose their positions

For beginners, the question arises which oil is better to use in a manual transmission. "MTF" for the normal operation of the boxes are supplied to the market in an assortment. Synthetic options have shown themselves well in business. They perfectly harmonize with any additives, additives, not thickening in the winter, giving the possibility of soft switching. They are positioned as the most efficient, not requiring frequent replacement. Their price is right.

Mineral compositions derived from petroleum products will have to be changed earlier than the above, but the price of the issue is pleasant. Research by American scientists resulted in the division of oils into groups.

Secrets of the American classification

API Petroleum Institute researchers propose labels:

  • "GL-1" is devoid of additives or endowed with anti-foam additives.
  • "GL2" with anti-friction components is ideal for lovers of low speed.
  • GL3 has a high percentage of additives.
  • "GL4" has a moderate amount of additives, suitable for manual transmission under normal, non-aggressive driving conditions.
  • "GL5" is intended for overloaded nodes, their disadvantage is the detrimental effect on non-ferrous metals.

For Russian models, it is better to use the penultimate type with optimal viscosity parameters - 75W90. Viscosity is written in the manufacturer's instructions.

The Russian market is filled with semi-synthetic products from Lukoil, theyare in demand due to their versatility: they can be used in transfer cases, rear axles, differentials. With their use, repair of a manual transmission is not often needed. Products of this kind are characterized by low cost. All popularity ratings beat MTF Castrol, Liqoi Moly.

Oil change tricks

Twin shaft manual transmission
Twin shaft manual transmission

Regulations on the terms of replacement are recommended by the automaker in the technical instructions for the "steel horse". This information is not always indicated in it. Auto mechanics advise to carry out the procedure after 100,000 km, after seven years of using transport. On the territory of Russia, we need to talk about a decrease in this parameter due to the complexity of trips on low-quality coatings, a car service expects customers in this case already after seventy thousand kilometers. This is typical of a manual transmission device on imported cars that consume synthetics. Budget "mobiles" often prefer semi-synthetics, forcing them to think about buying a new one after 50 thousand kilometers. For the "worn out" this moment comes earlier.

"Valuable instructions" from servicemen

Proper operation of a manual transmission is dictated by the serious attitude of the driver to the vehicle, caring for him on time, conducting technical inspection, as expected. In particular, one should not neglect the rules for operating a transmission device in winter: the loads at this time are increased. Before draining the lubricant, the “iron friend” must be run in to warm up. You have to drive at least ten kilometers in order to change the percentage of lubricationdensity - easier to drain. Next, you need to make a stop, but do not immediately rush to get rid of the old oil, leading to a malfunction of the manual transmission: there is a high risk of burns. Let it “rest” for a couple of minutes.

What to do next

Oil change steps. It is better to approach work comprehensively.

  • The car puts on the pit with subsequent fixation of the wheels.
  • The cork on the neck is unscrewed, paying attention to the appearance of the sealing ring. His shabby appearance is a reason to change.
  • The drain plug is unscrewed. This is done carefully to avoid contact with the skin, the oil is poured into a pre-prepared "dishes".
  • Next, the cork is put in place, twisted and a new liquid is poured using a syringe.

Unfilled will be the best starting point in the care of the mechanics to avoid smudges.

A couple of words "after"

Every day, the relationship between the driver and his movable property is intensifying, a person gets used to comfort. For a long history, it is better to listen to all extraneous noises, knocks, to arrive in a timely manner for diagnostics and prevention. A computer technique is a faithful assistant to avoid expensive repairs, the search for rare spare parts. Professionalism, deep knowledge of engineers, material and technical base of services matter. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the brands, the way of driving. Skilful hands, skillful craftsmen will put things in order in junk devices, giving thousands of kilometers of safe routes at different distances.
