Tank A-44: "Merkava" model 1941

Tank A-44: "Merkava" model 1941
Tank A-44: "Merkava" model 1941

The past twentieth century was marked by the rapid development of technology, including military technology. Both individual enthusiasts and entire teams of designers worked on the creation of new samples. Some developments were significantly ahead of their time. This article will tell about one of these unique machines.

A 44
A 44

History of Creation

The project of the new A-44 tank began to be developed in the design bureau at the Kharkov Locomotive Plant under the leadership of Alexander Alexandrovich Morozov in the first quarter of 1941. According to the conspiracy theory of one of our compatriots, now living in the UK, the index "A" in the name of the car means "Freeway", but this is not so. In pre-war Kharkov, there were three design bureaus working for the defense industry. For the projects developed by these design bureaus, three indices were allocated: "A", "B" and "C". The design bureau of the Barrikady plant, which designed artillery guns, was assigned the letter "B", and the design bureau of the Kharkov Tractor Plant, which was in charge of diesel engines, was assigned the index "B". Therefore, until now mosttank diesel engines carry this letter in their name. A. Ber was appointed the lead designer of the A-44, who in May 1941 presented a draft model of the tank. It was planned to continue work on this machine in the second half of the year, and by the beginning of 1942 to produce a prototype for testing. However, the outbreak of war and the subsequent evacuation crossed out these plans.

Arrangement and design

The layout of the A-44 tank, with the engine in front, was formed after Morozov's analysis of the result of the shelling of the experimental T-34 tank from anti-tank artillery from different sides. The safest for the crew was armor penetration from the rear. Even after the destruction of the transmission and the ignition of the engine, the crew could leave the car without being hurt. Also, turning the car “back to front” made it possible to save the rather long barrel of the F-42 or ZiS-4 guns, which were planned to be installed on the sample, from touching the ground when overcoming obstacles and when performing maneuvers on rough terrain. The fighting compartment, respectively, was located at the rear of the vehicle. The ammunition load of the tank was, depending on the design and type of gun, up to 100 armor-piercing, sub-caliber and high-explosive fragmentation shells. There were three crew members in this compartment: commander, gunner and loader.

a 44 st
a 44 st

Periscope and telescopic sights were used to observe the area and fire. In front of the hull (left) was the control compartment. It housed a gunner-radio operator and a driver-mechanic. The power plant consisted of dieselengine B-6 and was in the middle of the car. Armor - homogeneous, projectile-proof with a turret and hull made of rolled sheets made by welding. For its time, the design of the vehicle was truly revolutionary, for example, the first production tank of this layout was put into service only in 1979. It was an Israeli "Merkava" (chariot).

Revival of a forgotten project

Due to the tragic events in the early 40s of the last century, work on the revolutionary project was closed, and almost no one, except historians of domestic tank building, remembered it for a long 70 years. The A-44 gained a second life thanks to the Wargaming company, which in August 2010 introduced the World of Tanks game, dedicated to armored combat vehicles of the mid-twentieth century. In 2013, our hero was in one of the branches of development of Soviet armored vehicles. According to the accepted classification, the A-44 is a ST (medium tank), although as a result of numerous modifications to the project, an increase in the caliber of the gun and armor, the weight was exceeded, and it moved into the heavy category. Next, we will review the modules and equipment for a comfortable game on the A-44. A guide to this tank will also be useful for beginner gamers.

a 44 guide
a 44 guide

A-44: Overview

After the discovery and purchase of the A-44, first of all, it is necessary to retrain the crew. Applying camouflage to the tank will also not be superfluous, as it will reduce the visibility of vehicles, which, combined with a low silhouette, will noticeably help in virtual battles and increase survivability. The top gun will provide goodbreaking through and causing significant damage to the enemy. Researchable turret will increase view range and turn speed. An additional 15 millimeters of circular armor will not be superfluous. We will get the top radio and engine from the previous tank, so they can be purchased immediately. We research and buy the transmission first of all, which will allow you to painlessly install additional equipment. Based on the characteristics of the ZiS-6 gun, we need enhanced aiming and a gun rammer. Improved ventilation will not be superfluous either.

Tactics of use

And now let's make a guide on the tactics of using the A-44 in the game. The design features of the tank both make it difficult to play under certain conditions, and open up certain new opportunities. This is the first CT in the game to feature a rear turret, which will allow you to play the "reverse diamond" quite successfully on maps with urban areas and single buildings. Powerful forward projection armor will help in the game at medium and long distances. It is undesirable to roll out and make a shot, since you will have to open a significant part of the hull, which is fraught with a quick death in battle. The ability to turn the turret 360 degrees allows you to fight backwards, but we should not forget that from this angle - the weakest armor of the hull.

a 44 guide
a 44 guide

As a result, it can be noted that this unit is a good medium tank with good speed, dynamics and a powerful gun. Therefore, go ahead, good rushes and reliable defs!
