How to change antifreeze on a car?

How to change antifreeze on a car?
How to change antifreeze on a car?

The internal combustion engine is constantly running under load. Even at idle, the crankshaft rotates. The combustion of the fuel-air mixture in the chamber of each of the cylinders is not only a torque, but also a significant heat dissipation. To smooth it out, in the design of any engine there is a cooling system. It is often of the liquid type. Antifreeze or antifreeze is poured into it. The difference between these two components is only in the country of origin. Antifreeze is used on foreign cars. Antifreeze was invented in 1970 in the USSR. Now it is made in Russia and the CIS countries, poured into all domestic cars. And today we will look at how to properly change antifreeze and antifreeze with your own hands.

How often should I do this?

Experts recommend replacing every 60 thousand kilometers or every two years. By adhering to this regulation, you prevent the occurrence of corrosionprocesses within the cooling system. But not all manufacturers regulate such a period.

how to change antifreeze
how to change antifreeze

For example, the concern "Audi-Volkswagen" recommends replacing the coolant every 5 years or 150 thousand kilometers. The American General Motors even claims that antifreeze is poured into their cars for the entire service life.

Why such a gap in numbers?

It's all about the additives and the concentration of distilled water in the coolant. If we talk about domestic antifreeze, it contains up to 30 percent of water already from the factory. Foreign manufacturers make concentrates, that is, 100 percent of antifreeze accounts for only 5 percent of this liquid. This allows for more flexible temperature performance. Also note that the coolant varies by group. The very first is 11G. This is green antifreeze and domestic antifreeze. This group is considered obsolete, and now global manufacturers do not fill such coolant in their cars. If the car uses liquid of the 11th group (including Russian cars), it needs to be changed every two years.

change antifreeze in ford
change antifreeze in ford

The next type is 12G. This is a popular red antifreeze. It was first used by Japanese manufacturers on Nissan and Toyota vehicles. The service life of this coolant is 5 years. And finally, the 13th group. She appeared quite recently. This antifreeze contains only organic additives. It serves up to 200 thousand kilometers. As part of all these antifreezescontains anti-corrosion additives, phosphates and silicates. While they are, there are no corrosion processes in the engine. But over time, these additives settle. And the percentage of water contained in antifreeze begins to contribute to plaque on the walls and in the radiator cells. This process is called electrolytic corrosion.

Select the desired type

How to change Honda Accord antifreeze if you don't know the antifreeze group that was filled in earlier? Experts recommend using the 12th group. She is universal. It can be poured after the 11th and 13th groups. But it's best to look in the service book and follow the manufacturer's recommendations.


Before you change the antifreeze (including the VAZ-2114), you need to prepare a large container to drain the old fluid with a volume of at least five liters.

how to change antifreeze
how to change antifreeze

It can be a basin, or a plastic canister with a punctured sidewall. It must be done so that the liquid under pressure does not splatter on the asph alt. And not every car has sufficient clearance to evenly substitute the canister with its neck to the drain plug. In order not to create a vacuum, unscrew the cap of the expansion tank. Draining the liquid completely, it is necessary to flush the system from old deposits.

How to rinse?

Before you change the antifreeze yourself, you need to descale the system. Especially often it accumulates when mixing antifreeze with distilled water.

how to change antifreeze to vaz
how to change antifreeze to vaz

Also inside the system containsdirt and oil deposits. All this must be thoroughly washed before changing the antifreeze. What to use from additional funds? The easiest method is to fill the system with ordinary clean water. After the car has driven for 1-2 days on such a liquid, it must be drained from the system. Pay attention to its color. If the water is not clear (and in most cases it is), it will not be superfluous to re-flush the system. You can use for this and "anti-scale" based on citric acid. These are the so-called “five-minutes” - pour them into the system, you need to run the engine for a couple of minutes, and then drain all the liquid into a previously prepared container.

change antifreeze toyota
change antifreeze toyota

Such drugs are sold in powder form. Next, we proceed to fill in the new coolant. But before changing the antifreeze, let the engine cool down. The coolant temperature is 80-90 degrees - there is a big risk of getting burned.

What's next?

So, we substitute the container under the drain plug, unscrew the tap at the bottom of the radiator and pour out the water. While the liquid is being filled, check the condition of the rubber pipes that lead to the radiator from above and below, as well as to the hoses of the expansion tank.

change honda antifreeze
change honda antifreeze

These elements should not have cracks and be "oak" to the touch. If they are cracked and hard, replace them along with the clamps. Tighten the cap on the radiator and start pouring new fluid. If you want to change antifreeze in the Ford Transit, for convenience, usea small watering can. It is important that it does not have traces of oil and dirt. Pour antifreeze in small portions. So you eliminate the presence of an air lock in the system. The air in the engine will not give the liquid a normal heat sink - the engine will begin to boil. Next, start the engine and let it run for 3-5 minutes. After the temperature has reached operating values, check the fluid level in the expansion tank. Top up if necessary. But be careful. "Hot" pour antifreeze is not worth it. Pressurized cap may pop.

Can I mix different antifreezes?

Many motorists often wonder if it is possible to mix liquid of different colors. Doing this is strictly prohibited. Despite the same basis of these liquids (ethylene and propylene glycol), when mixed, it can behave differently.

how to change antifreeze
how to change antifreeze

You can't mix even the same groups of liquids. Remember that the color of antifreeze may be the same for the 12th and 13th groups. In some cases, this liquid may foam. The engine will instantly boil, which is fraught with deformation of the cylinder head and the block itself. Can only be mixed with distilled water.

What proportions to pour?

It should be borne in mind that the more of this liquid in antifreeze, the lower its freezing point. Before changing antifreeze, think about how much you need to use topping up liquids. Usually it takes 1-2 liters for the entire period of operation (2 years). In winter, only 20 percent of water in the liquid is allowed. If mixedmore, antifreeze can freeze. In the summer, everything is a little easier - you can ride on the same water. But at the first frost, this “slurry” must be drained and normal, undiluted antifreeze should be used.

How much to pour?

Before buying antifreeze, drivers are wondering about the amount of liquid that is used in the cooling system. This figure is indicated in the instruction manual. Typically, for cars with an engine capacity of up to two liters, it is necessary to use 7-8 liters of antifreeze. For example, for the domestic "tens" 7 liters of liquid are required. For SUVs like "UAZ Patriot" - 12. Least of all you need on the "Oka" - 4.8 liters. Engines manufactured by ZMZ, which are installed on the Volga and Gazelle, require about 10 liters of coolant. But in any case, it is necessary to fill in the antifreeze up to the mark, which is between the maximum and minimum.

how to change antifreeze
how to change antifreeze

Remember that as the temperature rises, the liquid expands, and it needs additional volume, which is compensated by the expansion tank. If you pour antifreeze, it can simply explode or spill out of the nozzles under enormous pressure.


So, we figured out how to change the antifreeze with our own hands. As you can see, the process is not very complicated and not labor-intensive. After you managed to change the antifreeze (Toyota Avensis is no exception), make a note in the logbook with the date and mileage. This will make it easier to follow the rules. Do not drive on old antifreeze - this way you risk overheating the engine. The liquid loses its properties, andadditives precipitate. It ceases to properly remove heat from the motor.
