Do-it-yourself car dent removal

Do-it-yourself car dent removal
Do-it-yourself car dent removal

Any body damage is very unpleasant for the car owner. They not only significantly spoil the appearance, but also provoke corrosion processes. As a result, the owner has to completely paint his car. And if everything is a little better with scratches, then removing dents is quite difficult. However, if you know how to pull out dents without painting, you can save a lot and return the car to its former aesthetic appearance.

There are several technologies for dealing with dents. You can pull them out using coins, vacuum equipment, using Pops-A-Dent technology, by heating and cooling. Consider each of these ways.

Types of dents

The first step is to determine the type of deformation. These damages vary in size. So, damage is considered deep, the depth of which is from 10 millimeters or more. Often these dents do not have a clear oval shape.

dent pulling
dent pulling

Such defects cannot be repaired on their own. Shallow damages are defects where the deflection of the metal is no more than 5 millimeters, and there is no damage on the surface of the paintwork. This defect can already be removed with your own hands at home or in a garage.

Vacuum leveling

This is a special technology for pulling out dents without the need for painting. With this method, even serious dents can be removed in a few minutes. The technology involves the use of special vacuum suction cups, which can level the surface of the body. This method allows you to remove large and gentle dents.

It is worth remembering that with this method you can only fix the dent itself, but not the consequences - it is impossible to completely eliminate the traces of an accident. When choosing a vacuum technology, you need to take into account that additional work will have to be carried out.

car dent removal
car dent removal

This technology is suitable only for straightening without painting (but provided that there are no cracks on the surface). If such defects are present, the surface of the rolled-out metal may flake off. This part is unusable.

For this technology, you need to purchase special suction cups for pulling dents on cars. Straightening does not require direct and open access to the wrong side of the defect. This is an easy and fast method. The suction cup is applied to the defect site, and a vacuum is created using a compressor. Then, with a sharp movement, the dent is pulled out. Small defects are easily repaired in this way.

Pulling with CO2 canister and hair dryer

This technology involves the presence of a cartridge of compressed carbon dioxide and an ordinary household hair dryer.

car dent removal
car dent removal

First, the dent is heated with a hair dryer. And then gas is sprayed onto the surface from a canister. At this point, the metal will instantly level out and regain its original appearance. When the spraying process is completed, you must wait for a while, and then wipe the damaged area.

Coin repair of body defects

Of course, ordinary coins are not needed here. Pulling dents on a car in this way is similar to the principle of an impact puller or pulling rod. The advantage of the technique is that it is not necessary to drill holes in the body. This method is very convenient in places where the metal is especially thin, and it is simply impossible to drill a hole. Work is easy to do with your own hands in a garage environment.

dent pulling kit
dent pulling kit

So, what is the essence of it? The technology consists in soldering copper or bronze circles to a conventional welding electrode. The circle is the size of a coin. Then it is soldered to the surface of the body - it must be pre-cleaned. The coin circle is positioned so that it is close to the dent. Next, with the help of powerful pliers, the electrode is compressed, and thus the dents are pulled out. When the place is leveled, the "coin" is heated locally and easily removed. It remains only to clean and paint the place of repair.

Straightening with a magnet

This simple technology makes it easy to remove the dent from the body surface. It is worth paying attention that before starting repairs, it is necessary to put under the magnetsoft materials. This will protect the surface of the paintwork from scratches. The magnet is directed from the edge of the defect to the center and pulled towards itself. In the case of shallow defects, the device will easily eliminate them. There is no need to paint the body.


These are special plastic devices, shaped like a regular brace with two "nickles" at each end. They are intended for local repair of dents at home or garage. At the same time, it is not necessary to paint the place of repair. The accessories are made of high quality plastic. It's not fragile, but it's not flexible either. For greater reliability, there are also stiffeners. They give the structure elasticity. The cost of this kit is 450-500 rubles. You can buy it at any automotive store. Reviews of Pops-A-Dent are generally positive. Among the shortcomings, motorists note a small number of nozzles.

The dent removal kit itself includes three nozzles with different diameters, which have a threaded screw at the ends. A lamb is wound along this thread, with the help of which dents are pulled out.

dent puller
dent puller

Special glue is applied to rubber nozzles. It comes with accessories. The glue has a special formula - it is reliable, durable, but at the same time it is easy to remove without damaging the paintwork. The nozzle must be glued on the sides, as well as in the center of the defect. There are technological holes along the edges of rubber nozzles - they were made for a reason. At the time of gluing the dent puller, excess adhesive may come outthrough these holes. Then, after hardening, it can apply additional force to fix it.

How to eliminate the "bubble" after an unsuccessful pull with the Pops-a-Dent method

It happens that the owner of the car twists the lamb, and the result is a bubble. In this situation, the kit manufacturer has provided special pegs. They are made of unique materials using nanotechnology. The plastic of the peg is very flexible - it is designed to absorb shock.

do-it-yourself dent removal
do-it-yourself dent removal

This peg is needed when the dent is overtightened (for example, on the roof). A bubble forms. If you keep it in the center and do not hit it hard with a hammer, then the defect will bend. The peg does not leave any defects on the surface. You can knock on it as much as you like, but it will not bend or split. As noted above, pulling dents with this method is performed using glue. To apply it, the manufacturer added a thermal gun to the kit.

So, the glue stick is installed in the gun and then wait a bit until the composition heats up. Then, with the help of a trigger, it is squeezed out. The glue will come out well. The gun is made of high quality, and its design is extremely simple.

How to work with a set

To remove a shallow dent without having to paint with this kit, you need to follow a few steps:

  • Pre-degrease the center of the defect. Next, manually drive the glue into the gun and heat it. When the composition is heated, it is squeezed out with a trigger. Byethe glue is hot, it is smeared on a rubber nozzle. The latter is glued to the center of the dent. It is important to remember that the glue hardens quickly. At the time of gluing the nozzle, it is screwed clockwise and also counterclockwise. The composition must come out through the special holes that we talked about earlier. Next, the nozzle is kept in place for a few more minutes until the composition has completely hardened.
  • To make sure the quality of the clutch, the nozzle is rotated from side to side. If all is well, then a plastic bridge is inserted through the hole in the center. Then the lamb is wound along the thread. Along with rotation, the defect will be pulled up. With each turn, the dent rises higher and higher. You need to twist carefully so as not to end up with a bubble.
  • When the defect has leveled off, the fixture is held on the surface for a few more minutes (so that the metal cannot go back). After 5 minutes, remove the nozzle. And if she does not act in film, then they help her with a hairdryer. This will keep all the paint in place.

Lever pulling technology

This method is used more than any other. But it should be noted that the technology is a little more complicated than all the previous ones. Before pulling out dents on a car, it is better to pre-practice on any other surfaces.

First, you should purchase a tool kit. There are about 40 different levers and hooks in the set. Before starting repair work, easy and free access to the defect site should be provided. Any third-party elements are carefully removed.

suckerscar dent removal
suckerscar dent removal

Work with the dent puller is carried out only from the inside. To do this, select a hook with the optimal length and gently press on the recess, thereby leveling the metal. This technology can be applied even after classical straightening. Do not work with hooks if the car has been puttied. There is a risk that the putty will simply fall off.


As you can see, pulling out dents with your own hands is quite possible. This repair can be done in a garage without the need for an expensive service and painting.
