GM 5W30 engine oil: description, reviews

GM 5W30 engine oil: description, reviews
GM 5W30 engine oil: description, reviews

GM engine oil is produced by the American company General Motors, which until the early 2000s was considered the largest automotive corporation in the world. The production of its products is established in more than 35 countries of the world. Also, the company receives part of the income from orders for the US defense industry. The company "General Motors" itself does not manufacture oil materials, under its original brand and according to its orders, the products were produced by the oil refining concerns "Castrol", Delco, Wolf and some others. Recently, GM brand cans have been filled with oil made by Elf.

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company logo

Lubricant product description

GM Dexos2 5w30 engine oil is a high quality, regulated product intended for a wide range of internal combustion engines. It can be operated in almost all possible operating modes of the power unit and under any climatic conditions.conditions.

Lubricant meets all the requirements of modern automotive devices. GM oil is positioned as a fully synthetic fluid for all-season use. Suitable for engines using gasoline or diesel fuel as a combustible mixture. Lubrication provides guaranteed protection to the engine, both in urban driving and on highways, where the engine speed rises to maximum values.

The lubricating fluid has good fluidity, due to which all structural elements of the engine receive timely protection during the entire working time. It penetrates into all technological gaps, enveloping metal surfaces with a reliable oil layer.

branded oil
branded oil

Lubrication Features

GM 5w30 oil has a stable viscosity coefficient, the capabilities of which provide the power device with maximum wear resistance of parts and assemblies. This is a very important factor influencing the longevity of the life path of the motor and is especially felt during a cold start of the engine.

In addition, the lubricant product is characterized by good efficiency, which is expressed in a decrease in fuel costs for the operation of the automotive unit. In addition, the oil has an extended service life in the replacement interval. This is confirmed by the product label on the front side of the printing - LongLife.

GM Dexos2 oil has excellent cleaning/detergent properties that help maintain internalcleanliness of the cylinder block. The liquid washes away any contaminants from the surfaces of parts and the inner walls of the vehicle's power plant. At the same time, it prevents the appearance of new carbon deposits, which adversely affect the stability of work. Soot deposits make it difficult for lubricant to reach metal surfaces, leaving them without the necessary protection against friction.

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product range

Use area

All GM oils were originally made for their own brands of cars produced by General Motors. These were Pontiac, Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac, Opel and some others. But if it meets certain specification requirements, the product can be used in any other engine.

The orientation of the lubricant is still more aimed at interacting with power units manufactured by GM-Opel. Technical characteristics and molecular structure make the oil an indispensable tool for these car brand models.

Oil lubricant meets the international standards of specialized organizations such as the American Petroleum Institute and the Association of European Automobile Manufacturers. For gasoline engines, according to API standards, the highest index is SM, and for diesel engines - CF. Engines can use any type of combustible mixture - gasoline, diesel fuel, gas and biofuel. According to ACEA standards, A3 / B4 / C4 specifications are set in the statistics of this oil product.

Also, there are specialized approvals from BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen, Fiat and Renault.

premium car
premium car

Technical info

GM 5w30 oil meets the environmental requirements of European Euro4 and Euro5 standards. The asset of the engine oil protection product has the following technical indicators:

  • grease meets SAE regulations and can be considered genuine 5W30;
  • kinematic viscosity at 100 ℃ - 12 cSt;
  • kinematic viscosity at 40 ℃ - 69.6 cSt;
  • dynamic low temperature viscosity - 3.5 mPas;
  • viscosity index - 170;
  • oil consistency density at 20℃ - 0.85g/cm³;
  • percentage presence of ash content of sulfates - 0, 78%;
  • alkaline ratio – 7.4 mg KOH/g;
  • thermostable border - 232 ℃;
  • minus indicator of oil functioning is not lower than 36 ℃.

Lubricant is supplied in 1L and 5L plastic cans.

car engine
car engine

Product Benefits

GM oil is favorably distinguished by such positive parameters as:

  • all-season use;
  • stable viscosity;
  • possibility to use in any climatic conditions;
  • withstands many modes of power loads;
  • full compliance with the declared characteristics;
  • flexible pricingpolicy from the issuing company;
  • fully compatible with regulated engines.


Positive feedback about GM motor oil mainly comes from the owners of those car brands for which there was a specialized oil. Drivers note the stable protection of their power units at any time of the year and under any road conditions.

Car owners of third-party car brands, using this product, did not find critical deviations in the operation of the oil and spoke of it as a good-quality oil substance with good performance.
