Truck ZIL-431410: vehicle specifications

Truck ZIL-431410: vehicle specifications
Truck ZIL-431410: vehicle specifications

Delivery of goods is a very important element not only of the economy, but also of the life of a modern person. What to do without food, hygiene products and other things that human life cannot do without. To deliver the goods to the recipient, special trucks are used. They can be of different sizes, carrying capacity, depending on the specifics of the goods, as well as on the specifics of transportation. For short distances, small trucks are used, similar to those produced by an automobile plant in Moscow.

zil 431410
zil 431410


ZiL-431410 is a cargo vehicle developed at the Likhachev plant, which is located in Moscow. The car is practically a prototype of the legendary ZIL-130, but with certain differences. Based on the experience of the 130th, the designers created the ZIL-431410, which was in production for quite a long time. This was due to a number of advantages that the truck had. The main thing is that the design of the machine embodies only the best qualities,accumulated over the years of the automotive industry. The designers took into account all the features and experience of foreign manufacturers. The ZIL-431410 car was intended for large-scale production.

car zil 431410
car zil 431410


The platform of the ZIL-431410 car, whose technical characteristics at the time of production surpassed all domestic and foreign counterparts, was made of wood. This was the main part of the whole body. To increase the rigidity of the structure, it was reinforced with bars made of fairly durable metal. The onboard ZIL-431410 has folding sides at the back and sides, which, when performing some tasks, greatly facilitates the loading of materials. If necessary, you can install a special frame with an awning without any problems. There is also the possibility of increasing the height of the body, thanks to special devices. On the ZIL-431410 car, the side boards can be divided into several parts for ease of transportation, as well as unloading goods.

The cockpit can accommodate three people almost comfortably. The presence of adjustable seats increases the comfort of the car.

characteristic zil 431410
characteristic zil 431410


The cab of the ZIL-431410 car is made of metal, designed for three people. Additionally installed heater. There are two wiper blades with a special drive that allows you to wash the glass. The standard package includes a fairly strong driver's seat with the presence of basic adjustments. For passengersa separate double seat is installed. The upper part of the cab is equipped with small ventilation hatches.

Working condition

All sides of the ZIL-431410 are made of wood and have a fairly strong metal fitting. At the base there are additional transverse bars created to increase the strength of the entire structure. In order to install a trailer on the ZIL-431410, the technical characteristics of which allow you to work as a truck tractor, use a specialized device. If necessary, it is easy to get acquainted with all possible hinged structures on the net, and you can also purchase them there.

zil 431410
zil 431410

The carrying capacity of ZIL-431410 is about 6 tons, which is a very impressive result for such a truck. For long trips, the car has a 170-liter tank, which is located on the left side of the car frame.

The spare wheel is mounted on an additional bracket and installed on the right side member. An excellent car for long-term transportation - ZIL-431410. Repair of some elements can be done directly on the way, for this a special box is provided, which is located in the rear left, directly under the platform itself.

zil 431410 specifications
zil 431410 specifications

Technical data

The characteristic of ZIL-431410 is very specific. As a power unit, an 8-cylinder engine is installed, running exclusively on gasoline. Engine power is 150 horses. For the supply of fuel material is installedcarburetor brand K-90 with an economizer. To transfer rotation from the motor to the chassis, a single-plate clutch with a manual transmission and a five-speed gearbox is used. The cardan gear has an additional support, which serves to stabilize the rotation of the shaft when the rotation is transmitted to the drive axle.

zil 431410 repair
zil 431410 repair


ZIL-431410 is equipped with disc wheels, which are fastened with 8 studs. Mostly used rubber 260R508. The design of the machine allows the use of tires brand VI-244.

To ensure a safe distance while driving, three independent brake systems are installed, including a spare, designed to stop the vehicle if the main one fails.

The front suspension is placed on two semi-elliptical metal springs. Oil dampers have been installed to absorb shock from uneven road surfaces.

The rear suspension is slightly different. It is installed on several types of springs. ZIL-431410 is equipped with main and additional springs. All this is necessary to increase the load capacity, as well as reduce the pressure from the load on the chassis when driving on rough roads.


As well as running equipment, the brake system is also installed in several types. The main ones are drum brakes, which are activated by pressing the corresponding pedal. The parking brake is pneumatically actuated. This is necessary to prevent movementvehicle when it is parked. The car is quite heavy, which is why the braking system must have the appropriate force.

car zil 431410
car zil 431410

Model Prevalence

ZIL-431410 has become popular not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. Everyone was simply amazed by the appearance of this truck. It is worth noting that the main design solution was borrowed from Ford cars. ZIL-431410 was always painted in a characteristic blue color, but by order of the Ministry of Defense it could be covered with khaki paint. The car serves to this day, until a worthy replacement has been created for it. It should be noted that the cost of the ZIL-431410 is not very high, now it is 150 thousand rubles.
