Oil gets into antifreeze: causes, consequences, solutions

Oil gets into antifreeze: causes, consequences, solutions
Oil gets into antifreeze: causes, consequences, solutions

The engine is the foundation of any car. The internal combustion engine uses many mechanisms and systems. Each of them has its own function and purpose. So, an integral part of the engine is the cooling and lubrication system. In the first case, antifreeze is used, in the second - oil. These liquids have completely different purposes and composition. It is unacceptable that they mix with each other. But sometimes problems happen, and the oil gets into the antifreeze. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

oil gets into antifreeze
oil gets into antifreeze

Key Features

If oil has got into the antifreeze on the Chevrolet Cruze, this can be determined by the following signs:

  • Antifreeze level. It will gradually decrease. This shouldn't happen on a good engine. constantly falling levelindicates that the oil got into the antifreeze.
  • Exhaust color. When running at idle and under load, white smoke will come out of the pipe. Do not confuse this phenomenon with the usual exhaust that appears on all cars in winter.
  • Oil condition. As it mixes with the coolant, its structure changes. The oil loses its properties, changes color and structure. Outwardly, it resembles a kind of coffee-colored emulsion. Also, a similar emulsion may be on the oil filler cap.
  • The state of antifreeze. Oil does not mix with it. Therefore, characteristic spots will be clearly visible on the surface. How this looks in practice can be seen in our article.
oil got into antifreeze than flush the engine cooling system
oil got into antifreeze than flush the engine cooling system

If oil got into antifreeze on an Opel car, you should pay attention to the candles. They will be moist when twisted and have a characteristic sweet smell.

oil got into the antifreeze chevrolet cruz
oil got into the antifreeze chevrolet cruz

Why does oil get into antifreeze?

The reasons may be as follows:

  • Cylinder head gasket damage. This is the most common problem. If oil gets into antifreeze on a diesel engine, the reasons may also be in the gasket. It is located between the head and the block. It is she who prevents the mixing of both liquids with each other. But over time, this gasket can burn out. The antifreeze level will drop, and oil stains will appear in the expansion tank.
  • Deformation of the block head. In this case, it does not lead the entire head, but onlya certain area of it. Because of this, even a whole gasket will leak oil into the coolant. The reason is banal - a loose fit.
  • Damage on the cylinder block. This is the most serious problem. In this case, repair does not always save. Sometimes you have to change the entire cylinder block. But this problem rarely happens.


We continue to consider the causes and consequences of oil in antifreeze. If such a problem was detected, the car can no longer be operated. The fact is that when oil is mixed with antifreeze, abrasive particles are formed. They can damage the engine and form scuff marks and scratches on important components. In addition, the bandwidth of the channels is reduced. As the liquid becomes emulsified, the diameter of the channels decreases.

oil got into antifreeze is it possible to drive
oil got into antifreeze is it possible to drive

Yes, and the very properties of the liquid are lost. Oil does not properly lubricate the rubbing pairs, and antifreeze does not cool. The motor overheats quickly. If you continue to use such a motor, it may require expensive repairs.


What to do if oil gets into antifreeze? There are several options for solving the problem:

  • Replacing a burnt gasket.
  • Grinding the block head. However, this is only possible in the case of minor deformations. If the cylinder head "led", you only have to change it.
  • Repair or replacement of cylinder block.
oil got into antifreeze opel
oil got into antifreeze opel

Last two do-it-yourself operationsdo not implement. But with the replacement of the gasket, you can handle it yourself. But here, too, one must understand that there will be difficulties. After all, you have to remove the head of the block, as well as know the tightening torques. A torque wrench must be required.

Do-it-yourself gasket replacement: tools

To perform this operation we need:

  • Hexagon or bit with adapter for use with a wrench.
  • Slotted screwdriver.
  • Torque wrench from 10 to 140 Nm.
  • Pad remover.
  • Protective gloves.
  • Extension.


Before proceeding with the replacement, you need to do several operations:

  • Remove the air filter housing.
  • Disconnect fuel hoses and all wiring.
  • Drain the old antifreeze.
  • Unscrew the exhaust manifold and remove the high voltage wires.

What's next?

After that, you can take a powerful wrench with an extension cord and alternately rip off the bolts securing the head to the block. If it is a four-cylinder engine, usually 10 bolts are unscrewed.

oil got into antifreeze causes diesel
oil got into antifreeze causes diesel

The cylinder head must be lifted strictly vertically. Next, you need to get the rest of the gasket. It can stick to the block or stay on the head. You should also inspect the latter for rust. If there is corrosion, this is a bad sign. The head needs to be milled and ground.

You can remove the remnants of the gasket with a special tool. But you need to wear gloves when working with such chemistry. Sometimesthe old gasket is easily removed - just pry its edge with a screwdriver. Next, the surface is degreased. It is important that no particles of the old gasket remain on it. Only under such conditions proceed to the installation of a new one. It is worth knowing that it is mounted strictly along the guides. They can be found on the corners of the engine block. After that, proceed to the installation of the cylinder head. Mount it also strictly vertically. It is important not to dislodge the gasket. The next step is to tighten the bolts. This is done in several stages. If we take into account the motors of front-wheel drive VAZs, first tighten the bolts with a force of 25 Nm, then 85, and then 120. After that, you can install back all the wiring, high-voltage wires, hoses and the air filter housing.

Can be tightened in other ways. This method is suitable for those who have a torque wrench operating range of less than 100 Nm. To do this, first set the value to 25 Nm, then to 85. After that, we twist each bolt 90 degrees. At the next stage, we rotate them again by the same angle.

Also note that after the first start, there should be no antifreeze drips at the head-to-block docking site. If the coolant flows out (this can be seen by its characteristic color), then the replacement was not made according to technology. Further, such a motor can not be used. You will have to remove the head and put another gasket. Antifreeze usually leaks due to improper or uneven bolt tightening. Therefore, it is worth paying great attention to this procedure.


You need to understand that after replacing the gasket, you cannot immediately start operating the car. Flush the cooling system thoroughly. It is important that there are no greasy spots inside. Otherwise, it will negatively affect the further cooling of the motor. If oil got into antifreeze, how to flush the engine cooling system? To do this, you can use:

  • Citric acid. This is the popular method. For washing, you need to make a solution. Take 1 kilogram of citric acid per 10 liters of water. If the pollution is insignificant, you can reduce the portion to 500 grams. Next, pour the solution into the system and start the engine. He needs to work for about 15 minutes. Then the engine is turned off and wait 40 minutes until it cools down. Next, prepare a container with the appropriate volume (usually at least five liters) and drain the liquid. After that, clean water is poured (preferably distilled) and the motor is washed again. If it is filled with distilled water, you can even use it for several days (the main thing is that it is not winter). After that, you can already fill in fresh antifreeze.
  • Dishwasher. Such products perfectly remove not only edible fat, but also traces of machine oil. Therefore, some use them for the cooling system. To do this, dilute detergent with water (no more than 500 milliliters per 10 liters of water) and pour it into SOD. The motor is brought to operating temperature and the liquid is drained. Then clean water is poured and the engine is turned on again. The procedure is repeated until the liquid changes its structure. But why do not many people advise using this method?The fact is that when mixed with water, the detergent foams. the motor quickly gains temperature, it can inadvertently overheat. Yes, and it is difficult to remove detergent residues.
  • Specialized chemistry. That is why the masters recommend buying specialized products for flushing, which are designed specifically for the car engine. They do not foam and qualitatively remove oil traces. How to apply chemistry? It must be dissolved in clean water in accordance with the instructions (each manufacturer has its own proportions) and poured into the cooling system. The motor is turned on for 15 minutes. Then they muffle, wait until it cools down, and drain the solution. If the liquid contains a large volume of oil, it is recommended to repeat the procedure again. With such chemistry, you can drive a car for a couple of days for the best result - reviews say.
oil in antifreeze causes and consequences
oil in antifreeze causes and consequences

Please note that some specialized products may foam. Therefore, periodically it is worth checking the expansion tank. Also, when choosing a flushing agent, orthophosphoric acid should be avoided. It starts to corrode seals and rubber pipes.

About the use of carbonated drinks

If oil gets into antifreeze, some people use carbonated drinks to flush. But this cannot be done, since they contain precisely the phosphoric acid that corrodes the nozzles. Therefore, you should not use soda for flushing - only specialized chemistry.


So, we have considered whythis problem and what to do if the oil gets into the antifreeze. Is it possible to drive such a car? Experts give a negative answer. Further operation of such a car is impossible, since there will be no proper cooling and lubrication of the engine.
