Changing the oil in a manual transmission of a car: frequency

Changing the oil in a manual transmission of a car: frequency
Changing the oil in a manual transmission of a car: frequency

In order for the car to work for a long time and please its owner, it is necessary to take care of the main components that are included in the design. Manufacturers recommend to carry out scheduled maintenance in a certain period, to replace consumables. It is also necessary to change the oil in the engine. During the operation of the motor, carbon deposits form in it, and the oil becomes contaminated with various products of fuel combustion. But in order not to know any problems with the machine, regular oil changes in a manual gearbox are also recommended. Many manufacturers of modern cars in the instructions for the car indicate that this procedure is not needed at all - the available lubricant for the transmission will be enough for the entire service life. In fact, this is not at all the case, and in Russian conditions it is easy to change lubricants in mechanical transmissions.necessary. The operation of the gearbox mechanism depends on this.

oil change in manual transmission
oil change in manual transmission

Oil change in a manual transmission is mandatory. But how often do you do it? Often, manufacturers recommend replacing after 35-40 thousand kilometers. If the car is subjected to high loads during operation, then the replacement of lubricating fluids must be performed at least once a year. Sometimes the oil needs to be changed more often. Let's try to understand this issue in more detail using the example of various brands of cars.

Why change gearbox oil?

Yes indeed, why? Moreover, in modern cars, manufacturers install supposedly maintenance-free boxes. Actually this is a scam. Gear oil, like any other oil, has a certain service life. This period is much higher than that of motor ones, but during the operation of the manual transmission, friction pairs, one way or another, wear out. As a result, metal particles are formed. These chips enter the lubricating fluid and then accumulate in the oil sump. Where does she go then? The oil is in constant motion - all these chips along with it will spread over the parts and assemblies of this mechanism. The chips, together with the lubricating fluid, will no longer act as oil, but as a strong abrasive. This will increase the wear of gears, synchronizers, shafts and other parts.

How do manual transmission parts wear out?

The wear process goes through three stages. So, at the first stage, the parts are run in to each other - this is often called the running-in of the machine. This is a fast process, but it is during this period that friction pairs wear out as much as possible - a lot of chips accumulate in the oil. And at this point, an oil change in a manual transmission is more than necessary. The second stage is the longest. It lasts for the entire life of the gearbox. There is a minimum level of wear here - the pairs have already got used to each other, there is nothing superfluous left on them.

ford manual transmission oil change
ford manual transmission oil change

Finally, the third stage is the very last one. Here, the part wears out intensively, and then collapses. Even an oil change will not help here - you can simply throw away the gear or shaft. In order to prevent such intense wear processes, it is definitely recommended to change the oil in the gearbox on a new car at a mileage of approximately 20-40 thousand kilometers. Further, experts recommend filling in a new transmission fluid after about 100-150 thousand kilometers, since the parts of the box practically do not wear out. But these figures are relevant only for new cars. Used cars are another story.

Classification of gear oils

The frequency of changing the oil in a manual transmission depends not only on the mode of operation of the machine and mileage, but also on the type of lubricant. Manufacturers today offer several types of modern oils.

Mineral transmission fluids

Filling such oils is recommended for low-speed transmission systems in which friction is not too high, and engine speed rarely exceeds the thresholdin 2-3 thousand about. This includes rear wheel drive vehicles. Most often, inexpensive mineral oils are bought by owners of classic VAZ models, as well as trucks. As for the frequency with which it is recommended to change mineral oil, this is approximately 30-40 thousand km of the car's run. The period is so short because mineral oils cannot be refined. Such grease loses its properties very quickly.

oil change intervals in a manual transmission
oil change intervals in a manual transmission

The price of this product is one of the lowest. Mineral transmission fluids, which are in the assortment of car dealerships, include oils 75W-90 of the brands Lukoil, Mobil and others.

Semi-synthetic oils

This product is designed for more powerful revving cars and manual transmissions. A high-speed motor is one whose optimal characteristics are in the range of 3-4 thousand rpm. These are all modern AvtoVAZ models - for example, Lada Grant (manual gearbox). An oil change can be performed every 30-40 thousand km - this is the recommendation of specialists. Also, semi-synthetic oils can be poured into Priora and Kalina.

Synthetic oils

These products are usually filled in automatic boxes. However, it is also a good choice for manual transmissions. This is the most refined composition, which contains a large package of additives - they prevent operation at high loads, protect the mechanism from corrosion and heavy wear.

oil change intervalmanual transmission
oil change intervalmanual transmission

Transmission synthetics are most often poured into expensive cars of foreign manufacturers. The price for this group of lubricants is quite high, but the efficiency is one of the highest. The oil change period in a manual gearbox, provided that synthetics are used, is at least 70 thousand km.

Is it time for a replacement?

In addition to the parameters recommended by manufacturers and repair specialists, it is also necessary to focus on the condition of the unit, as well as its performance. During the rotation of the gears, in addition to small chips, moisture is also formed, or condensate, it will fall into the oil, which, when interacting with it, almost immediately loses its properties. A decrease in lubrication characteristics will lead to the appearance of characteristic sounds. All this suggests that an oil change in the manual gearbox of the car is approaching. The quality of the oil can be determined with a dipstick. If the liquid is black with a characteristic burnt odor, then this is a signal that the lubricant has long lost its properties, and the replacement should be done as soon as possible, even if the mileage has not yet come.

“Lada-Granta”: the timing of the replacement of transmission lubricant

On cars from AvtoVAZ, such as Lada Granta, Priora, Kalina, the same type of mechanical transmissions were installed. This is well known to the owners of VAZs with manual transmission-2180-2181. By the way, a robotic gearbox was also built on the basis of this unit. The oil in this box is changed every 75 thousand kilometers or after 5 years of operationcar - proceed from what came earlier. The replacement process will not be difficult.

changing the oil in the manual transmission of the car
changing the oil in the manual transmission of the car

Depending on the type of box, a different amount of lubricating fluid is poured. If the transmission has a traction drive, then it is necessary to pour 3.1 liters. If it is cable or AMT box, then the manufacturer recommends no more than 2.25 l.

Ford Manual Transmission Oil Change

Ford is very popular in Russia. An oil change in a manual gearbox on these cars, according to the manufacturer's regulations, should be carried out every 50,000 km. This is an actual figure for the Focus model. However, this figure is relevant if the machine is operated in ideal conditions. If the car often stands in traffic jams, moves along dusty roads, pulls a heavy trailer, experts recommend cutting this period in half. Between replacements, it is always recommended to monitor the level and quality of the oil. For a Ford Fiesta car, the recommended replacement period is 70-80 thousand kilometers. But the manufacturer claims that the filled liquid will work throughout the life of the car.

Nissan Note

Oil change in a manual transmission "Nissan Note" should be carried out according to the manufacturer's recommendations every 90 thousand km. But again, this is true if the machine is operated carefully and carefully. In difficult conditions, this period must be divided by two. In terms of volume, it is necessary to fill in up to 3 liters of transmission fluid in the manual transmission.


For thesecar manufacturer recommends a complete transmission fluid change every 30,000 km. Only in this way will the gearbox please the owner with quiet operation and smooth shifts. Many owners believe that this period is too short and deviate from the regulations by servicing the checkpoint after 50-60 thousand km. This is not quite right.

nissan note manual transmission oil change
nissan note manual transmission oil change

How is a Chevrolet Rezzo manual transmission serviced? The oil change on this car is carried out, as in the previous case, every 30 thousand kilometers. However, it may be needed earlier - you should check the level with a dipstick, look at the color of the liquid. If lubricity is lost, replacement can be done earlier.


The life of any mechanism depends on the quality of the lubricant. The gearbox is no exception. It is important to maintain this mechanism in a timely manner, then the car will serve its owner faithfully for many years.

lada granta gearbox manual oil change
lada granta gearbox manual oil change

Don't delay with this procedure. Changing the oil in a manual transmission will reduce the wear and tear on parts and the stress that the transmission experiences. Regular maintenance of the transmission significantly reduces the risk of damage to the mechanisms in it.
