How to properly brew a differential? The principle of operation of the differential. Driving Tricks on a Welded Differential

How to properly brew a differential? The principle of operation of the differential. Driving Tricks on a Welded Differential
How to properly brew a differential? The principle of operation of the differential. Driving Tricks on a Welded Differential

The device of the car assumes the presence of many nodes and mechanisms. One of these is the rear axle. "Niva" 2121 is also equipped with it. So, the main assembly of the rear axle is the differential. What is this element and what is it for? The principle of operation of the differential, and how to brew it correctly - later in our article.


The main purpose of the element is the transmission of torque and the distribution of forces from the cardan shaft between the axle shafts. Thus, the rear differential is able to rotate the wheels with different angular speeds. It is worth noting that such an element is not only on rear-wheel drive cars. On machines with front-wheel drive, this element is located in the gearbox. And on SUVs with a 4x4 wheel arrangement, it is located in the transfer case and in both axles.

How does it work?

There are three modes of differential operation in total. So, his work is aimed at driving in a turn, on how many roads and in a straight line. In the latter case, the wheelscar have equal resistance. Torque from the propeller shaft (or final drive) is transmitted to the differential housing. Satellites rotate with it. The latter run around the gears of the axle shafts and thus transmit torque to the two driving wheels in equal proportions. And since the satellites on the axles do not rotate, the gears of the semi-axes move with the same angular velocity. The speed is equal to that of the final drive driven shaft.

brew differential
brew differential

Slightly different principle of operation of the differential in the case of the car passing corners. So, in this situation, the wheels will rotate at different angular speeds. What is closer to the center of the turn has more resistance than the outer disc. What happens in this case? The differential begins to transmit torque with a different effort on the axle shaft. So, the frequency of rotation of the outer gear increases, and the inner gear decreases. The sum of the revolutions of both gears is equal to twice the frequency of revolutions of the driven gear of the final drive.

welded differential
welded differential

Now consider the situation where the car is moving on a slippery road. So, in a certain area, one of the wheels begins to slip, meeting more resistance. The differential gears turn the second wheel at an increasing speed. Surely you have seen more than once how a stalled car slips with just one wheel when the second is stationary. This is the job of the differential. However, its function is not at all aimed at worseningvehicle performance characteristics. Thanks to this element, the car turns more steadily. At the same time, the tread does not eat away at the tires, since the discs rotate the same way.

What is brewed for?

So, we got to the most popular question of beginner street racers. The welded differential is made so that the car enters the skid easier, just at the turn. This phenomenon is called drift. A welded differential is most commonly found on older rear wheel drive vehicles.

rear axle niva
rear axle niva

This is especially true of the old domestic "classics" where there is no blocking. What is a differential lock? This function allows you to change the transmission of torque on the axle shaft. So, when the lock is on, the wheels rotate at the same angular speed. The system acts directly on the rear axle. Chevrolet Niva is also equipped with a lock. But this system is quite expensive and significantly affects the cost of the car. Therefore, not every car has it. What to do in this case? There is only one way out - to weld the differential. The procedure is quite simple, and you can do it yourself. The only thing you need is a good welding machine and a mask to keep your eyesight while working with the electrodes.

how the differential works
how the differential works

After all, a bright electric arc greatly affects the human eye. Therefore, do not forget to put on a mask before work.

How to brew? Removing the differential from the car

So, let's get straight to work. To brewdifferential, we need to get it outside. Therefore, first we drive the car onto an overpass or viewing hole (if there is a lift, this is even better). Next, you need to remove the oil from the gearbox. The usual "transmission" is poured here. But "working out" is not worth pouring. After you have received the welded differential, you need to fill the gearbox with new oil. Next, you need to jack up the rear of the car. The wheels and brake drums are removed. Then, with the help of a ratchet, the axle shaft is unscrewed on both sides and pulled out (not necessarily completely - you can pull it out by 20-30 centimeters). Next, unscrew the bolts around the circumference of the gearbox (usually eight of them), and remove it outward. Using a piece of clean rag and gasoline, we process the gears of the mechanism. We need this for a better grip.

Infusion technology

So, we have a bare gearbox with satellites. How to brew a differential with your own hands? Everything is very simple. We “grab” the satellites with the welding machine from the inside of the differential housing, as well as between each other. After that, you can apply a full seam. It looks like this.

what is differential lock
what is differential lock

To ensure the quality of the seam (if a semi-automatic machine is used), beat off the slag with a hammer and chisel. If the seam is uneven, process the place of contact of the satellites again. Now you can collect everything back and put the gearbox in its place. Vehicle is fully serviceable.

Tricks of driving with a welded differential

So wethe satellites were welded, and it became easier for the car to skid (since the wheels now rotate at the same angular speed, regardless of the type of road surface). Is it safe to ride on the "leaf"? Despite the beliefs of some skeptics, such a machine is fully suitable for everyday use. True, you need to know some of the subtleties of driving. Since the car began to break into a skid easier, you need to know how to get out of it correctly. Since “brewing” is done only on rear-wheel drive, when cornering (if this is not an intentional drift), we remove our foot from the accelerator pedal and move strictly “in gear”. If it is winter, then switching to neutral is strictly prohibited. You risk getting into an emergency. It is also advisable to slow down before cornering. Well, if you intentionally want to enter a skid, when passing the section, you need to increase the engine speed by pressing the accelerator with your foot, and sharply turn the steering wheel in the direction of the turn, and then in the opposite direction.

rear differential
rear differential

Without "welding", the car tries to get out of the skid immediately, as only one wheel will slip. Thus, on a welded differential, you can easily enter a controlled skid. Getting out of it is easy enough. The main thing is to calculate the effort and have a good reaction.

About contraindications

Before you weld the differential, your car must be fully operational. First of all, it concerns the transmission. After all, it is on it that all the effort of the torque will be assigned. Welded reducer essentiallywill increase the load on the transmission shafts. As a result, it will quickly fail. Also pay attention to the quality of the seam. If the welding is done poorly, the seam will soon collapse and a bunch of metal fragments will appear inside the gearbox.

tricks of driving on a welded differential
tricks of driving on a welded differential

The situation is not pleasant. Do not be lazy to knock down a layer of "slag" on a newly made seam. The better the work is done, the longer the "brewing" will last. She does not have a specific resource. If everything is done correctly, then the “brewing” will last forever. The engine itself will fail faster or the body will rot from time to time.


So, we found out what a differential is, how it works and how to make it yourself. As you can see, the procedure is quite easy. The main thing is to check the quality of the seam.
