Mobil 5W40 oil: specifications, reviews

Mobil 5W40 oil: specifications, reviews
Mobil 5W40 oil: specifications, reviews

Engine oil plays an important role in the engine system. Today, there are many varieties of such products on the market for lubricants. They are characterized by different properties and have a special composition. The components included in the composition prevent friction of the metal elements of the motor, their corrosion and wear. Lubricants also help to clean the mechanisms from dirt and soot.

One of the most popular products in our country today is Mobil 5w40 oil. It is suitable for local climatic conditions. It is a universal product recommended by the world's largest vehicle manufacturers.

General characteristics

Modern vehicles require the use of all-weather oils with certain technical parameters in their engine system. The most important of these is the viscosity grade. It is measured most often on the international SAE scale. Mobil Super 3000 5w40 oil has an optimal viscosity class for our latitudes. This allows you to start the engine in severe frost, to ensure high-quality cooling of the system in summer.

Oil 5w40 Mobil
Oil 5w40 Mobil

Each motor oil consists of a base and an additive package. The technical and operational characteristics of the oil depend on their choice and ratio. Mobil 1 is a synthetic base lubricant. This is one of the best options for substances. It is obtained artificially. At the same time, synthetics have a lot of advantages. It can provide reliable protection of the entire engine system for a long time. It is synthetics that are designed for the increased loads that the motor experiences while driving on the roads of a big city.

The package of additives included in the product reliably protects metal surfaces from scuffing and abrasion. These additional components collect soot and dirt particles from the surfaces of mechanisms, keeping them in suspension for a long time. This increases the power, durability of the motor. Also, "Mobile 1" protects all metal structural elements from corrosion. Due to its characteristics, the presented product is in high demand among the owners of various vehicles in our country.


Mobile 5w40 lubricants, the price of which is about 1700-1800 rubles. (for 4 l), have certain technical characteristics. They also need to be taken into account in addition to the viscosity grade.

This product is designed for cars with different engine types and model years. The oil can be used over a wide temperature range. The engine can be started at a temperature of -38ºС in winter. In the summer, the system will work fully (provided that theother elements of the car) when the environment is heated up to +40ºС.

Mobil 5w40 price
Mobil 5w40 price

Special specifications include several indicators. The flash point is 222ºС. This prevents the product from burning out of the system. The density of the oil at a temperature of +15ºС is 0.855 kg/l. The phosphorus content is 0.0095, and the sulfate ash content reaches 1.1%.

Due to the special composition, this product cannot be mixed with other products from any other manufacturer. The additives included in the composition may conflict with other components. As a result, the positive effect of the lubricant will be minimal. Therefore, before pouring oil into the system, it is necessary to study the recommendations of the motor manufacturer, as well as find out which product was filled here earlier. When changing the oil, it is impossible to completely remove it from the engine. Therefore, when changing the lubricant, you should contact specialized centers.


Mobil 5w40, the characteristics of which are presented by the manufacturer on the packaging, must be carefully studied. This will avoid mistakes when choosing a tool. The scope of its application is wide. It is most beneficial to use synthetic lubricants when driving in a metropolis. Constant traffic jams, dust, heat and slush are negative factors. The motor in such conditions works with large overloads.

Mobil 1
Mobil 1

Standing in a traffic jam, the cooling system is not able to provide full heat removal from the mechanisms. In this case, only lubrication can protect the mechanism. High Quality. Synthetics effectively cope with the removal of excess heat from the engine. That is why Mobil 1 is chosen by drivers who have to drive most often on the roads of large cities. Also, the lubricant is fully suitable for driving on the highway.

Engine oils of the presented series are used for various types of engines. Mobil 5w40 Diesel 3000 is designed for gasoline, diesel engines that do not have particulate filters.

This product is recommended for cars, light trucks, SUVs and minibuses. In this case, the engine may be subjected to increased loads or operate in normal mode. Also, Mobil 1 is recommended for engines with direct fuel injection or turbocharging.


Mobil 5w40 oil (1l, 4l) has a lot of advantages. This company has a good reputation in the lubricants market. This guarantees the quality of its products. Thanks to cooperation with many global auto giants, the presented manufacturer produces oils that fully meet their high requirements.

The main advantages of the presented product is the full protection of the engine in the heat and at high loads. The oil becomes fluid, but a thin film spreads evenly over the surface of all rubbing elements of the mechanism. There are no dry spots. Sliding avoids scuffing, minor damage to parts.

Mobil 5w40 specifications
Mobil 5w40 specifications

The presented oil has a high fluidity. itguarantees the start of the system even in cold weather. A thin film will quickly cover all mechanisms. The ideal sliding of rubbing pairs keeps the system reliable even in winter.

The washing qualities of the oil also remain on top. After tests carried out in laboratory conditions, it was confirmed that soot and dirt are not deposited on the elements of the system. This helps protect the system from premature wear and tear. Repairing or replacing an engine will cost much more than buying quality engine oil.


Mobil 5w40 synthetics have many tolerances and approvals from global manufacturers of passenger cars and trucks. Thanks to the use of scientific developments, the presented composition meets or even significantly exceeds many modern standards. Thanks to this, "Mobile 1" 5w40 can be used in a variety of car models.

If the engine manufacturer specifies that the oil must meet ACEA A3/B4, A3/B3, AAE (STO 003) Group B6 or API SN/SM standards, the provided lubricant may be added to the motor system.

Mobil 5w40 synthetic
Mobil 5w40 synthetic

Before operating the oil, the recommendations of the engine manufacturer should be considered. It clearly indicates which varieties can be used and which should be discarded. Mobil 1 Super 5w40 is allowed to be used in their cars by such concerns as BMW, Volkswagen, Porsche, Peugeot, Renault. Also, domestic AvtoVAZ recommends using this oil in its new Lada cars.

Syntheticsnot recommended for use in old domestic or foreign vehicles. This tool can adversely affect worn, rubber gaskets. Due to its high fluidity, synthetics quickly seep through microcracks in mechanisms. Therefore, it is more correct to use it in new, modern cars. Their structural elements are designed to circulate in the synthetic system.


According to the manufacturer's statements and tests, Mobil 5w40 oil is completely safe for human he alth and the environment when all manufacturer's requirements are met.

Synthetic lubricants are made using the most modern technologies. At the same time, the high requirements of modern environmental and sanitary standards are taken into account. This allows you to get a product with improved technical characteristics.

Mobile Super 3000 5w40
Mobile Super 3000 5w40

To comply with all manufacturer's requirements regarding the use of this product, the provisions of the "Safety Data Sheet" must be read. It can be obtained upon purchase or ordered from an authorized dealer. This will allow the product to be used strictly for its intended purpose.

You should also remember that used oil must be disposed of in accordance with applicable law. There are special collection points that collect old lubricant. Pouring into the environment is strictly prohibited.

Expert reviews

Mobil 5w40 oil, reviews of which are provided by experiencedexperts, is rated as one of the best tools on the market today. With a relatively low cost, the product has a lot of advantages. Its balanced cold and warm performance makes it versatile.

Mobil 5w40 oil reviews
Mobil 5w40 oil reviews

Experts note that during the study it was found that the percentage of deposits on parts and mechanisms is extremely small. This indicates the high quality of the additives included in the composition. They hold dirt particles well inside the oil, preventing them from settling on the surfaces of parts.

Experts note that the production of the presented funds is carried out at various enterprises. Some specifications may differ slightly. However, this difference is insignificant in terms of the main indicators of the oil. Viscosity class, flash point, freezing point remains the same regardless of the place of production. The company applies a high-quality quality testing system at different stages of production. This allows products to maintain the characteristics declared by the manufacturer.

According to experts, this remedy receives 4.6 points on a 5-point scale. This indicates the high reliability of Mobil 1.

Positive user reviews

Among users, Mobil 1 oil is known as a reliable, proven product. Most of the reviews about it are positive. 91% of drivers who left a comment about the presented product recommend using Mobil 5w40. The price of the lubricant is acceptable. At the same time, all technical specifications correspond toexceed many world standards.

Users unanimously claim that this oil makes it easy to start the engine in cold weather. At the same time, the cleanliness of the motor remains high. Even for vehicles with high mileage, Mobil 1 provides full system protection against further wear.

According to some users, this lubricant is significantly superior in quality to even more famous and expensive brands. Affordable price and high quality make the product popular.

Negative user reviews

A fairly small percentage of drivers note the low quality of 5w40 Mobil oil. Users claim that although the cost of the product is acceptable, over time, the engine begins to consume it quickly. As a result, you have to add oil again and again. This does not lead to the expected savings from synthetics.

Some drivers claim that this oil is popular solely because of the brand's fame. It does not have high quality indicators. It is also noted that the popularity of the brand gives rise to many of its fakes. Moreover, the quality of such products leaves much to be desired.

Experts say that negative reviews are associated either with the purchase of fakes or with the incorrect use of oil. Before using it, it is necessary to study the recommendations of the motor manufacturer. Not all vehicles are suitable for synthetic-based products. In this case, the lubricant can quickly disappear from the engine, seeping through small cracks, loose fitting elements of the mechanisms.

To notto purchase a fake, you should contact authorized dealers, trusted sellers with a good reputation.

How to distinguish a fake?

Fake Mobil 5w40 is known as a poor quality product that can harm the operation of any engine. In order not to become a victim of scammers, you need to know what points to look for when choosing a lubricant.

The original product is sold in a quality plastic canister. It has no defects, rough soldering. The canister and lid have the same shade. There are no bumps, traces of autopsy. On the outer surface of the cover is a diagram of its opening.

There must be a filter ring on the canister. It should be the same color as the lid. The container and its elements have a graphite matte finish. The seams are always even, barely noticeable. On a fake, the soldering may be rough.

The print quality of the original label is high. Letters and drawings are very clear. A security code must be present at the bottom of the canister. It contains the batch number and begins with a G or N. It is applied to the surface using a special inkjet printer (slight erasing is allowed). These are the main parameters that you need to pay attention to when choosing.

Having considered what 5w40 Mobil oil is, we can note its high performance. This is a quality, versatile product that, when used correctly, will extend the life of the engine.
