What is an ignition unit and what is it for?

What is an ignition unit and what is it for?
What is an ignition unit and what is it for?
ignition unit
ignition unit

The ignition unit is a part that converts the direct current of the car's electrical network into high-voltage voltage, which is necessary for the operation of xenon headlights. Such a spare part is purchased only in cases where the motorist has not bought a complete set of xenon lighting. It is impossible to do without this device. The fact is that such a lamp, when turned on, requires a powerful electric discharge - only then will it work. A standard 12 volt battery can't handle that much current, so if you're buying a xenon headlight kit, always ask your dealer if the ignition box is included. If not, then today's article will be just right for you.

What parts do modern manufacturers produce?

If earlier all ignition units were huge and unreliable, then at the moment almost all companies produce small, high-quality and at the same time high-voltage parts. The momentum of this partis about 25-30 thousand volts. It is this charge that modern ignition units are able to generate. Xenon is easily connected to this part, and you can install it yourself. Moreover, in addition to the compact dimensions of the spare parts, which greatly facilitate the complexity of the work, these elements do not require a complete replacement of the wiring. Therefore, all you need to connect a modern block is a minimum set of tools and a few minutes of time.

xenon ignition blocks
xenon ignition blocks

Design features of these parts

Because this part is a source of strong electrical discharges, it must have a high degree of safety. To do this, all modern companies supply xenon ignition units with special protection against voltage surges. It can be not only fuses, but also voltage stabilizers. Only in this case, the part will be safe, and the headlights will be effective.

Functions that this part performs

Based on the above, there are two main functions that the ignition unit owns:

- gas ignition in a xenon lamp;

- maintaining the required power (charge).

And even if one of these functions ceases to be performed, car xenon lamps will no longer work properly.

xenon ignition blocks
xenon ignition blocks

Price and manufacturers of car xenon lamp parts

If we compare modern fifth-generation ignition units with the first, one can notice not only a big leap in technology development(new smaller and more reliable), but also affordability. So, the average price for this part in Russia varies from 1000 to 1800 rubles. There are, of course, more expensive options. They are produced by the famous Hella company. The ignition unit produced by this company costs about 3-5 thousand rubles. But despite such a high cost, many motorists are advised to purchase parts from Hella, since this company was originally engaged in the development and production of lighting parts. The choice is yours, but it is better to purchase only quality parts for your car.
