Air suspension for UAZ Patriot: description, installation, pros and cons, reviews

Air suspension for UAZ Patriot: description, installation, pros and cons, reviews
Air suspension for UAZ Patriot: description, installation, pros and cons, reviews

The air suspension on the UAZ Patriot allows for good vehicle handling on asph alt and off-road. Consider its device, features, and installation options.

air suspension for UAZ Patriot
air suspension for UAZ Patriot


The node under consideration is a universal design that allows you to adjust the clearance of the vehicle, depending on the road surface. On SUVs, it is quite possible to install the node yourself. It is mounted mainly on a regular rear analogue, equipped with special pillows.

The air suspension on the UAZ Patriot includes the following parts:

  • Compressor with a pair of pistons that assist in forcing the air mixture by lowering or raising the unit.
  • Reverse type valves. They serve to prevent spontaneous discharge of the air system.
  • Release valve. It activates when it needs to bleed air to lower the assembly.
  • Sensor (manometer) responsible for monitoring the system.


The air suspension on the UAZ Patriot is often equipped with special fasteners that can bechange to brackets by welding them in the required places. The compressor is mounted in front of the radiator, which provides additional cooling. Pneumatic cushions are located in the rear of the car between the bridge and the frame. Parts function in aggregation with springs, adding additional rigidity to the knot.

installation of air suspension on UAZ patriot
installation of air suspension on UAZ patriot

There are several models on the market. With your own hands, the air suspension on the UAZ Patriot is mounted without problems, especially if there are two mounting points in the standard version. The cost of the product depends on the quality, manufacturer and method of installation. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Installing air suspension on UAZ Patriot: where to start

Before starting work, you need to purchase the necessary components, taking into account the height of the pillows, pressure readings, and the diameter of the elements. The design can be bought in a complete set or in parts.

Pillows on the rear axle are mounted as follows:

  • First, you need to modify the air suspension on the UAZ Patriot with your own hands in terms of mountings.
  • Similar parts are being built in the lower part.
  • A metal plate with a hole for the airbag clamps is welded onto the rear axle.
  • The elements are mounted parallel to the springs and are rigidly fixed to the frame and bridge.

Further procedure

After installing the air suspension cushions on the UAZ Patriot, the hoses are laid under the bottom of the vehicle. After that, a compressor is mounted, located in the engine compartment in front ofradiators. The hoses are connected to the compressor part.

Next, they pull the wires into the salon, where a switching relay is installed that controls the operation of the compressor. The air blower is connected using a fuse, after which it is necessary to check the operation of the entire assembly. If everything is normal and no leaks are observed, the suspension is ready for operation. In the cabin, you will also need to install a pressure gauge, with which you can control the pressure in the system by controlling the ground clearance of the car. This stage can be considered the final one when installing the air suspension on the UAZ Patriot.

do-it-yourself air suspension for UAZ patriot
do-it-yourself air suspension for UAZ patriot

What are users saying?

As the owners note, the node in question performs well on all types of roads. The main thing is to make the correct pressure adjustment and installation of working elements. As the reviews confirm, the air suspension on the UAZ Patriot should be purchased taking into account the coverage on which the car is often used, although the clearance adjustment makes it easy to switch from asph alt to off-road and vice versa. It is worth noting that if the assembly is mounted front and rear, a pair of pressure gauges must be provided in the cabin in order to monitor the condition of each pair of pillows.

Air suspension on UAZ Patriot: pros and cons

First, let's look at the benefits of air suspension:

  • Providing impeccable ride comfort.
  • No extra noise when it is in good condition.
  • Ability to adjust roadlumen.
  • Reduce damage to road surfaces compared to conventional leaf springs.
  • Allows you to easily overcome pits without feeling discomfort.
air suspension for UAZ patriot pros and cons
air suspension for UAZ patriot pros and cons

In addition, this suspension makes it possible to adjust the rigidity of individual sides of the vehicle. This is important when entering a turn and allows you to reduce roll and improve handling due to a change in pressure in the cylinders. Ground clearance can be adjusted within 4-20 centimeters. This attracts lovers of hunting, fishing and active tourism, as it makes it possible to move off-road without problems.


Like any mechanism, air suspension has some disadvantages. Chief among them is the high cost of spare parts of high-quality construction. Also, such a node does not have a high maintainability rate. It is easier to replace a defective part than to repair it. And few services take on such work, since there are not enough highly qualified specialists in this area.

If the vehicle is not equipped with standard air suspension, not every car can be equipped with it, and even if it is possible, the operation is not simple and cheap. Some motorists note a short service life of the assembly, compared to an all-metal counterpart, although the air suspension is one of the most comfortable systems. Some more drivers complain that the more parts in the block, the more likely it is to break, and because of one elementyou have to iterate over the entire node.

air suspension for UAZ patriot reviews
air suspension for UAZ patriot reviews


The choice of a vehicle with air suspension or its self-installation on the UAZ Patriot should be based on logic and an understanding of the conditions under which the vehicle will be operated. Much depends on the manufacturer and the functionality of the design. If the car is used to transport heavy loads, it is necessary to select a type with the ability to improve control when moving. Racers and active hikers will need a milder modification. In any case, the air suspension is not only a useful, but also a very informative unit that improves the control and operation of SUVs such as the UAZ Patriot.
