Crossing a solid line - a rule and a pen alty for breaking it

Crossing a solid line - a rule and a pen alty for breaking it
Crossing a solid line - a rule and a pen alty for breaking it

SDA were created in order to fulfill them. Crossing a solid marking line is the main violation that is observed not only in our country, but also abroad. Recently, due to the tightening of responsibility for violating traffic rules, traffic police fine the violator, draw up a protocol and send it to court. The violator is often deprived of a driver's license.

In our country, none of the laws can provide for all situations in life and on the roads. According to the law of the Russian Federation, for crossing a solid line, a fine is from one thousand to one and a half thousand rubles. Often you want - you don’t want, but you have to violate this traffic rule, and the police officer interprets it as it should be by law.

solid line crossing
solid line crossing

The problem we have inblood

Violation of the rules is not only in the mentality of our citizens, but also in our roads, road services, which sometimes simply forget to moisten the brush with white paint for marking. In some places there are potholes or potholes that are easier to drive around in the oncoming lane than to crash your car on them. Previously, crossing a double solid marking line or driving into the oncoming lane to carry out any maneuver was punishable by deprivation of rights or a fine. Today, according to the law of the Russian Federation, the punishment for crossing a continuous line is limited only to a fine, but in special cases, which we will consider below, the offender may lose his rights for up to six months.

Several types and situations of crossing a solid line

Let's consider each case separately.

First case. The motorist makes a left turn through the oncoming lane and, accordingly, through a solid line. Crossing a solid line is punished by traffic police inspectors by fines. The fine varies from one thousand to one and a half thousand rubles.

Second case. The motorist wants to turn right while ignoring the solid line. This offense is also punishable by a fine of one thousand to one and a half thousand rubles. This case is also considered separately by a traffic police officer, who can deprive the offender of his rights for up to six months.

Third case. Reversal through the solid. Many drivers are convinced that for this violation they are threatened with deprivation of a driver's license. But according to the new traffic rules, a fine is assigned for this violation.from a thousand to one and a half thousand rubles.

crossing a double solid line
crossing a double solid line

The fourth case. Departure from the yard to the street with two-way traffic. In this case, the offender will receive a fine of one hundred rubles for non-compliance with the requirements prescribed by the road sign, in this particular case, this is a left turn.

crossing a solid line while overtaking
crossing a solid line while overtaking

The fifth case that you have encountered more than once when turning left, not reaching the broken line. Drivers motivate this by the fact that there is a meter or two left, and they want to be in time while the green traffic light is on. In reality, this offense means driving into the oncoming lane, which interferes with other drivers and can lead to a deplorable situation on the road. In this episode, the motorist will not get off with only a fine, he will lose his license for up to six months.

crossing a solid marking line fine
crossing a solid marking line fine

The sixth case. Crossing a solid line while overtaking. The driver makes a maneuver that can lead to a very dangerous situation on the road. For crossing a solid marking line - a fine, deprivation of a driver's license for up to six months.

When making such a maneuver, the driver must remember that there are others on the road besides him.

crossing a solid line in the same direction
crossing a solid line in the same direction

Situations often arise on the roads when a driver, simply by chance, breaks the rules of the road and crosses a solid line. Such cases occur all year round, not only through the fault of thedriver, but also for many reasons that can be attributed to the so-called force majeure. A person is not immune from natural disasters, from drifts, roads uncleaned by public utilities. Sometimes there is simply no solid line, but you have to go. So there is another case with the necessary departure into the oncoming lane. Consider it separately.

Ways to avoid obstacles on the road

There are many cases when you are driving quietly in your car outside the city, listening to the radio, and suddenly there is a traffic jam ahead of you due to a breakdown of a car. You are in a traffic jam, barely trudging, and then the moment comes when you are approaching that section of the road where the broken car is standing. You have three options for resolving this situation.

crossing a solid line
crossing a solid line


Wait for the motorist to fix his car and drive on. In this case, you will avoid breaking the rules and will wait for the problem to be resolved.


Drive around an obstacle along a sidewalk or sidewalk, in this case you violate the traffic rule under article 12.15 of the first part (crossing a solid line in a passing direction), which carries a pen alty of five hundred rubles if it is a roadside, and 2000 - if pavement.


Go around the obstacle in the oncoming lane. In this episode, the motorist does not lose his driver's license, although he may receive an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to one and a half thousand rubles.

Violations statistics

According to 2013 statistics, 2 percent of the country's population inthey wait for such cases and try to help the poor fellow so that he quickly clears the roadway. Twenty-eight percent are driving around an obstacle on the shoulder and sidewalk, and seventy percent of motorists are driving in the oncoming lane. From these data it follows that in our time, almost every second person violates the rules of the road, and every tenth crossing of a solid line leads to an accident. The conclusion is this: when driving, you must be patient or finance to pay a fine. After all, an unpleasant incident for you and many people can always happen in which no one is to blame, but this incident can affect not only someone's life, but also the fate of people close to you.

What else can you lose your driver's license for?

Few motorists know that there are situations where they can lose their driver's license without even crossing a solid line of freeway. At the same time, the traffic police officer will deprive them of their rights and send the case to court, although the motorist, it would seem, was overtaking through a broken marking line. The fact is that a person could simply not notice the sign "overtaking is prohibited" and overtake a vehicle in the oncoming lane. In this case, the inspector will be completely right, and the court will already decide to deprive you of your driver's license for up to six months. This is the pen alty for crossing the solid line. The period of deprivation of a driver's license begins to operate only ten days after the verdict was announced. You have ten days to appeal this decision. There are situations whenthe term for confiscation of a driver's license may begin not after ten days, but later. Consider these situations separately.

pen alty for crossing a solid line
pen alty for crossing a solid line

Situations in which the term for confiscation of a driver's license may be postponed

First. If the motorist appealed to the highest court, then the verdict will come into force only when there is a decree of the last court, while we note that the driver has the right to use the car and drive until the decree on the withdrawal of his driver's license is passed.

Second. If a motorist does not surrender his driver's license within three days, then the period of withdrawal of his driver's license will not begin.

In fact, the second method helps the motorist to cheat and drive his car, as they say, until the first violation. In the practice of traffic police officers, there were cases when a driver did not give up his driver's license for about three or more years, without violating traffic rules.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you should not neglect the traffic rules, especially when crossing a double solid line, since you are not alone on the road. And by violating this rule, you can interfere with another driver who may be less experienced in this situation.

Breaking the rules of the road once, you will break them until you are caught and fined, or even worse, you will not get into a traffic accident for which you will be at fault. In a traffic accident you're one fineno longer get off, everything will depend on the nature of the incident. Do not violate traffic rules, respect yourself and other motorists.
