Orium SUV Ice tires: reviews, test, manufacturer
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
What are the reviews of Orium Ice SUV tires? When did the company design and present such a model to the general public? What are the features of this class of rubber? What are tire tests carried out by tire experts?
Tightening the cylinder head: step by step instructions, features, device, tips from the masters
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
The cylinder head plays an essential role in the operation of the engine. Its correct position affects the operation of the gas distribution mechanism. Also, together with the cylinder block, it forms the combustion chambers. Therefore, when repairing, the correct tightening of the cylinder head is important
What is a car emergency braking system
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
In recent years, the number of accidents on the roads has increased. This fact raises questions about what kind of protective equipment a driver can use to prevent an accident in an emergency. Of course, the main such protection will be the emergency braking system of the car
VAZ valve adjustment (classic): work scheme
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Valve adjustment according to the classical scheme is a very important part of knowledge for owners of the VAZ car brand. The process is simple, but for the success of the implementation it is important to remember and follow the correct scheme of work. How should the VAZ 2107 valves be adjusted?
What is tinting 70
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Modern cars often lend themselves to window tinting. Car owners carry out this procedure not only for beauty, but also to protect the interior from sunlight. Consider the types and percentages of existing tinting
Ball pin: purpose, description with photo, specifications, dimensions, possible malfunctions, dismantling and installation rules
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
When it comes to the ball pin, it means the ball joint of the suspension of the car. However, this is not the only place where this technical solution is applied. Similar devices can be found in the steering, in the guides of the hoods of cars. They all work on the same principle, so the diagnostic and repair methods are the same
Shaft support - what is it?
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
The layout of the guide shaft and support bearings is a very cheap and profitable way of linear movement. In the production of CNC machines, it is very often used. Also used for the manufacture of modern 3D printers, milling systems and even plasma cutting machines
When is it better to sell a car: tips
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
After a car is bought, after a while you want to sell it, well, say, after three or more years. However, the price can differ significantly, and at one time the cars are sold faster, at another they can stand for weeks and not a single call. Didn't know about it?
2 Alpine DIN radios: product range, specifications
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
More and more universal radios are produced every year. New features appear, such as karaoke, built-in navigation system, Internet TV, and many others. There are too many car radios for any budget, but Alpine's 2 DIN radios are worth stopping by
Engine oil "Shell Helix Ultra" 0w40: description, characteristics
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Engine oil "Shell Helix Ultra" 0W40 washes away soot deposits and, thanks to its original formulation formula, prevents new formation of slag waste. The oil protects power equipment and its internal structural elements from oxidative processes that lead to the appearance of corrosion pits. It has a minimum evaporation coefficient, which characterizes the product as an economically beneficial purchase
How to choose a radio for a car: an overview of the best models, specifications and reviews
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Let's try to figure out how to choose a radio for a car, what to focus on, and how not to miscalculate with a purchase. In addition, to ease the difficulty of choosing, we will give as an example some of the most intelligent models of different formats and price categories
What car does Putin drive: model, description, photo
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Our country knows how to surprise and produce beautiful cars. The symbol of technical sovereignty and technological power is represented by a Russian limousine driven by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The name of the car is Aurus Senat ("Aurus Senate"), from Aurum - gold, Rus - Russia. Its cost is about 140 thousand euros, and this limousine is called "Russian Beast". Vehicle number - V776US, 77th region
Solar panels for a car: characteristics, features of operation
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Solar panels on the car - the best option for recharging the vehicle battery. The unique and new technology occupies an increasing niche in the automotive industry, finding its fans among car owners due to its good performance characteristics and wide operating possibilities
Generator ZMZ 406: description, repair
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Description and technical characteristics of the ZMZ 406 generator, the main causes of failure, the symptoms of breakdowns and their interpretation, do-it-yourself generator repair, the subtleties and nuances of the procedure, connecting the ZMZ 406 generator - everything in the article
What is steam interior cleaning?
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
In many car washes you can find such a service as steam cleaning of the car interior. For some drivers, this phrase means absolutely nothing. Therefore, before entrusting this procedure to service workers, you should study the issue thoroughly and learn about all the pros and cons
GAZ-11: photo and review of the car, history of creation, specifications and interesting facts
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
GAZ is the largest automaker that started manufacturing products in the city of Nizhny Novgorod. In the first years of its work, GAZ produced "Ford" products. For the realities of the Russian climate, the engine of this series of cars did not fit well. Our specialists solved the task, as always, quickly and without unnecessary troubles, taking as a basis (actually copying) the new GAZ-11 engine, the American lower-valve Dodge-D5
Cadillac cabriolets. Popular Models
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Cadillac makes luxury cars. The flagship models of the company are cars made in the back of a convertible. Convertibles "Cadillac" are rich in equipment and stylish design
How VAZ, GAZ and other cars of the USSR stand for. Full list
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
We all know that in the Soviet Union there was a developed automotive industry that produced many types of automotive equipment under different brands. At present, it is rare to find this product of the USSR anywhere. In this article, we will not limit ourselves to answering the question of how VAZ and GAZ are deciphered, but we will also talk about them
VARTA D59: specifications, features of use, advantages and disadvantages, reviews
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
The main purpose of a standard car battery is to fully power numerous devices with electricity. If the battery is chosen correctly, the engine will start easily even in cold weather. Today, there are many different batteries on sale, but the most popular is the VARTA D59 option
MeMZ-307: description, specifications and operating features
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Description of the main technical characteristics of the MeMZ-307 engine. Design features and service. Malfunctions and repair of the power unit, revision of MeMZ-307. Subtleties and nuances of engine operation. Tips for car owners
The device and the principle of operation of the braking system of a car
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Automotive braking system belongs to the active protection device. The principle of operation is to change the speed of vehicles. Including the system is designed to completely stop the car, including an emergency stop, as well as keeping vehicles in place while parking on slopes. Various systems are used to achieve these goals
"Ravenol": reviews, characteristics, tips when choosing oil
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Efficient and trouble-free operation of a car engine largely depends on the right engine oil. One of the best lubricants that has collected the maximum number of consumer reviews is Ravenol brand products
Gear oil "Mobil ATF 220": description, characteristics
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Transmission oil "Mobil ATF 220" combines high quality and versatility. There is no need to worry about the reliability and stability of operation, since the product is produced by the world-famous oil refinery ExxonMobil. The company guarantees the quality and stability of the performance of the lubricating transmission material
How long does car paint take to dry? The right choice of enamel
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
One of the types of bodywork is painting car parts. Depending on the conditions in which the painting work takes place, enamel is selected. For a quality repair, you need to consider how much car paint dries, its cost and the durability of the coating it creates
Gear oil 75w80: overview, characteristics and properties
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
75W-80 Gear Oil is of sufficient viscosity to withstand high pressures and provide reliable protection to key vehicle transmission components. The material is made on a synthetic basis, which increases the service life and allows the use of oil in a wide temperature range
Car tinting and its allowable values, tinting 30%
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Car tinting is a popular service in the car tuning market, because it provides a lot of benefits for the driver. At the same time, representatives of the traffic police are severely punished for tinting. In order to avoid problems with law enforcement agencies, you need to know what is the maximum percentage allowed in glass tinting
Protective mesh on the radiator: features, types and reviews
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Big beautiful bumpers, giving a modern look to the car, at the same time create a number of worries for their owners. Volumetric inserts in the radiator grilles are designed to emphasize the individuality of the car. They also create problems associated with the protection of the radiator. More than once, car service workers had to repair and change radiators pierced by small stones flying from under the wheels of cars
Longlife engine oils: features, specifications and tips for use
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
The German concern BMW advises motorists to use different engine oils depending on the make and model of the vehicle. The original products of the company meet all the requirements and standards of reliability and quality. One of the best lubricants is Longlife engine oil with a DPF filter, designed for diesel and gasoline engines
Car controls: features and recommendations
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
In the interior of any modern car, a huge number of different buttons. It doesn’t matter if they are touch-sensitive, mechanical, or even drawn on a huge Tesla display, it can be difficult for even an experienced driver to figure it out right away in a new car. All controls can be divided into three groups: main, auxiliary and comfort function controls
Columns "Ural 16 cm": all "for" and "against"
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Speakers "Ural AK-74 16 cm" is a two-way component speaker system. Produced by our domestic manufacturer of acoustics "Ural". The company has established itself well in the market and is famous for the reliability of its products, maximum ease of use and low prices for its products. Speakers "Ural 16 cm" are perfect for both budget assemblies and professional level
Installation of the "Solex" carburetor on the classics
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
For 30 years, while the classic VAZ models with rear-wheel drive were produced, their design, in contrast to the style and design, did not actually change by the manufacturer. Therefore, the owners are trying to upgrade the car on their own - they are introducing various components from imported cars or more technologically advanced VAZ models
Cruise control: how it works, how to use
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Cruise control is a software and hardware complex designed to maintain the speed of movement in a certain area. In this case, the participation of the driver is not required - you can relax on a long journey
Types of car suspensions, device and diagnostics
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Which is the most important part of the car? Almost all motorists will argue that, of course, the engine, since it is he who sets the car in motion. Others will say from the body, about the transmission. But no one will say about the suspension of the car, but this is the foundation on which the car is built. It is the suspension that determines the overall dimensions and features of the body, and also affects which engine will be installed on a particular car. Suspension is an important and complex knot
Automotive oils 5W30: rating, characteristics, classification, declared qualities, advantages and disadvantages, reviews of specialists and car owners
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Every car owner knows how important it is to choose the right engine oil. Not only the stable operation of the iron “heart” of the car depends on this, but also the resource of its operation. High-quality oil protects mechanisms from various adverse effects. One of the most popular types of lubricants in our country is oil with a viscosity index of 5W30. It can be called universal. The 5W30 oil rating will be discussed in the article
Which cars are assembled in Russia: list
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Today, more than two million cars of various brands and models are produced in Russia, ranging from hatchbacks to twenty-ton dump trucks and various trucks. And a small part relies on foreign brands that have bought many car factories in Russia or cooperate with domestic enterprises in a friendly manner. That is why Russia is considered one of the world's largest automakers
The principle of operation of the traction control system
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Today, in the world of cars, there are many electronic systems and assistants that work to increase active and passive safety. Thus, electronics can prevent accidents that occur when the car is moving. Now all vehicles are required to be equipped with a system such as ABS. But it's far from the only system on the base list. So, models of a class above are regularly equipped with ASR
CVT transmission: principle of operation, owner reviews on the pros and cons of the variator
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
When buying a car (especially a new one), many motorists face the question of choosing a gearbox. And if everything is more or less clear with engines (diesel or gasoline), then the choice of transmissions is simply huge. These are mechanics, automatic, tiptronic and robot. Each of them works in its own way and has its own design features
Proper break-in of a new car
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
A new car cannot be used in the same way as a high mileage car. The thing is that it has completely new components that have been assembled into a single system, and it needs preliminary grinding. Breaking in a new car is a simple and mandatory task for every car owner
Cars of the USSR: models and photos
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Now on the roads of our native country you can find a huge variety of cars. The bulk - of course, beautiful and new foreign cars. But there are also representatives of the Soviet automobile industry. Our review is dedicated to these old, long-standing retro cars
Seat belt: device and attachment
Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01
Modern cars are distinguished by a huge number of security systems. So, electronics allows you not to lose control over the car in the event of an emergency (skidding, emergency braking, and so on)