Summer rubber: properties and features

Summer rubber: properties and features
Summer rubber: properties and features

The tire is the most important element of every car, providing it with stability on the road and a minimum braking distance. And how short it will be depends on the composition and tread pattern of the tire. Despite the fact that all manufacturers include rubber and many other additives in their tires, braking distances and traction are different for all cars. In today's article, we would like to talk about all the features of summer tires and find out what good tires should be.

summer tires
summer tires

Summer tires - what's special?

As we know, all tires are classified into three groups: summer, winter and all-season. Today we will not talk about winter ones, but we will pay attention to only two varieties. At the moment, "all-weather" is a great competitor to seasonal tires, although it does not have the best qualities and behavior on the road. And the thing is that such a tire can beoperate all year round, without "changing shoes". The price for it is also several times less than the cost of a set of seasonal tires. However, do not forget that along with these advantages, the “all-season” loses in the main thing - safety. According to its properties, it has only an average quality, so the result on the road leaves much to be desired. It has a few percent longer stopping distance than a standard summer tire, and hydroplaning is much more common.

summer tires 2013
summer tires 2013

Summer tires, unlike all-weather tires, perfectly remove water when hitting puddles and wet asph alt. And as we know, at a speed of more than 60 kilometers per hour, a thin film appears on the road between the wheel and the asph alt, which worsens the stability of the car. In fact, such a machine moves through the air, and these few millimeters of a layer of water can create a lot of trouble. Therefore, there is only one conclusion: the “all season” is not suitable for normal operation on an asph alt roadway, because its average grip qualities do not provide effective braking and vehicle control.


The main feature of this tire is its special composition, thanks to which summer tires do not heat up on the road to extreme temperatures. You may have felt like after a long drive, the wheels of the car just get hot on the road. Unlike all-weather tires, summer tires of 2013 do not heat up so much, due to which they have a long service life. And quality grip, which wesaid before, contributes to the unique tread. It is much different from the pattern of winter and all-season tires. As we can see in the figure, summer tires have longer and smoother grooves for water drainage. By the way, the greater the tread depth, the better grip it provides.

summer tires r14
summer tires r14

Summer tires - sizes

At the moment, there are a lot of seasonal tires of various brands from many manufacturers. Among them, r14 summer tires from Continental, Michelin and Good Year are especially popular. Most modern imported and domestic cars, including some VAZ models, have this tire diameter.
