DIY daytime running light

DIY daytime running light
DIY daytime running light

In connection with the introduction of the concept of "daytime running lights" (DRL) into the rules of the road, many car owners were forced to face the problem of the absence of such on the front of the body of their "iron horse".

DIY running fire
DIY running fire

Of course, they can be replaced with regular headlights. However, this means that you need to drive with the low beam constantly on, and this entails a lot of different problems. The most significant among them is the complete and fairly rapid discharge of the battery. However, this scenario may occur if you forgot to turn off the low beam headlights and left the car for a sufficiently long period. Of course, it should be remembered that modern vehicles are equipped with many sensors that will remind the driver of the systems remaining on after the engine is turned off. Howevereverything tends to break down, and one day you run the risk of finding your car with a completely empty battery. The second problem with using low beam headlamps instead of daytime running lights is the significant reduction in lamp life. Under normal conditions, they will serve you for about several years, but with constant inclusion, the indicators declared by the manufacturer can be reduced several times.

LED daytime running lights
LED daytime running lights

Possible options

Thus, more and more car owners are seeking to install DRL systems on their cars. You can do this in several ways: mount a running light with your own hands or save on your own strength and contact a car service. Nevertheless, one should be rather scrupulous and carefully approach the choice of a master who will perform the necessary work. After all, the quality of the work performed will depend on it in the future. However, this article will consider the case when it is necessary to install a running light with your own hands. If you choose this option, then you should also decide on the DRL system itself, for example, you can purchase all the necessary materials and make everything yourself, or you can buy daytime running lights at any auto parts store and just do the installation itself. In any case, the rules of the road provide for some restrictions and requirements regarding the above system. For example, DRLs should automatically turn off at the same moment when the headlights are turned on.headlights.

Buy daytime running lights
Buy daytime running lights

Methods of performance

LED daytime running lights are now widely used, while more recently conventional incandescent or small-sized "halogen" lamps were widely used. Modern auto parts markets can also offer a wide range of DRL shades, but the most common color is white (cold or warm). Therefore, even an inexperienced motorist can build a running fire with his own hands. So, let's see how it can be done.

Procedure of actions

First you need to purchase all the required items and stock up on tools. Then you should carefully choose the location of the DRL. Most often, a bumper is used for such purposes. Next, we proceed to the manufacture of blanks. To do this, you can either purchase the required amount of LED strip and solder them on the board yourself, or immediately buy a soldered panel. In this case, for the first case, the rule applies that a resistance of 500 ohms is placed on three LED elements. Next, we connect the necessary wiring to the board and check the operability of the received device. This is followed by direct installation in pre-selected places. Next, you need to make a connection to the battery, the car body, and also connect the diodes to each other. At this stage, it is important to remember that the boards should never be connected in parallel, only in series!

So, as it turned out in practice, installing a running light with your own hands is also enoughsimply. Follow the exact markings, carefully drill holes, mount elements and connect all the necessary wires, and your car will become not only original, but also more visible on the road.
