Vehicle Passport (PTS): design, purpose and content

Vehicle Passport (PTS): design, purpose and content
Vehicle Passport (PTS): design, purpose and content

Buying a car is for many citizens not just a joyful event, but a real relief of life. But this operation is accompanied by paperwork. Each car owner must have certain documents for the vehicle. Otherwise, driving is prohibited. Today we will get acquainted with the vehicle passport. All car owners in Russia will have to face this component.

PTS Sample
PTS Sample

What is this? How to get it? What is the above paper used for? Find out more about all this and more. In fact, the PTS of a car is extremely important. And you can't do without it under any circumstances.


The vehicle passport is a document for a car. It is issued to all complete vehicles that can accelerate over 50 km/h. That is, any passenger car must have the appropriate documentation.

In general, the Title is a paper containing information about the vehicle, its registration with the traffic police, as well as the owner. With this "certificate" you can trace the history of the operation of movable property.


What kindinformation can be seen in the vehicle passport (PTS)? We have already familiarized ourselves with the content as a whole. Now consider this component in more detail.

In the passport for the car you can see:

  • VIN-auto;
  • TM brand;
  • property model;
  • category;
  • year of issue;
  • existing engine number;
  • color;
  • chassis numbers;
  • body number;
  • power and engine size;
  • manufacturer's country;
  • restrictions, if any;
  • F. Acting owner;
  • registration (place of residence) of the owner of the car;
  • series and passport number;
  • data about the registration authority;
  • date of paperwork.

Here you can also see information about the registration of the car with the traffic police, about its deregistration and alienation. No more vehicle title information.

What will happen for the absence of PTS
What will happen for the absence of PTS

In the course of the "life" of the vehicle, certain changes are made to the document. For example, information about the new owners of transport. Otherwise, the document will be invalidated. This means that the car cannot be used.


Why do you need a vehicle passport at all? As we have said, this is a very important component of the car. It cannot be dispensed with under any circumstances.

Currently, the vehicle's title is in use:

  • for registration of the vehicle in the traffic police;
  • to allow vehicles to travel on roads;
  • when applying for CASCO;
  • during registration at the inspectorate (to receive CTC).

There is no specific validity period for the document. But under certain circumstances, you have to get a new passport.

Reasons for reissuance and adjustments

When is it necessary? Every owner of transport in Russia should understand this issue. Otherwise, traffic police officers can cause a lot of trouble.

Adjustment (updating information in the old document) of the vehicle passport is made if:

  • car changes ownership;
  • a person re-registers the vehicle.
  • citizen (owner) changes registration.

Re-issuance (issuance of a new passport with a change in the series and paper number) is possible if:

  • document ran out of space to make changes;
  • a request is being made from the new owner of the car.

Issuance of a duplicate (they issue an old passport without corrections with a corresponding mark) is carried out when:

  • citizen lost document;
  • paper was stolen;
  • documentation corrupted for one reason or another;
  • the owner does not have access to the original passport.
Duplicate Title
Duplicate Title

It's not as hard as it seems. A little later we will figure out how the vehicle passport is exchanged. First, let's get acquainted with the procedure for the initial receipt of paper.

Where to get the document

When buying a car, drivers think about where to get a passport for a car. Howwe have already found out that this is an extremely important stage of actions after the acquisition of the vehicle.

There is no definite answer to the question asked. It depends on how you purchased the car. For example, a vehicle passport can be issued:

  • in a car showroom;
  • at the traffic police department;
  • in an organization that upgrades the machine;
  • by the previous owner of the car (when buying from hand);
  • customs authorities (when importing a car from abroad).

Most often, citizens are faced with the first and penultimate scenarios. What is required to obtain a registration certificate for a car?

Documents for initial receipt

How is the vehicle passport issued? Let's start with the initial receipt of this paper, for example, in a car dealership.

Obtaining a passport for a car
Obtaining a passport for a car

In order to issue the relevant documentation, a citizen will need:

  • car purchase agreement;
  • receipt of receipt of money (or a receipt of the established form);
  • passport (personal, civil).

That will be enough. A different package of papers will be required when replacing the TCP.

Initial receipt: instructions

Need a vehicle passport? The number, series and other data about the car must be entered into the document in advance. Further, the owner will only have to tell who he is. Employees of a car dealership, customs or traffic police will quickly enter information about the owner of the vehicle into the document.

To initially receive the study paper, a personyou just have to make a deal to buy a car. Having presented the listed papers to the employees of the car dealership, the client will receive the relevant documentation for the vehicle. Just wait a few minutes.

Important: without a vehicle passport, you cannot leave the salon with the car. A copy of the document in this case will not have any legal force, even if it is certified by a notary. The buyer must demand only the original document.

Additionally, when applying for a PTS, a citizen will need to pay a fee in the prescribed amount.

Documents for TCP when buying from hand

Now a few words about how a passport for a car is issued if the vehicle is bought on the secondary market. That is, with hands.

Let's start with the preparation of documents for the implementation of the task. Buyer and seller prepare:

  • old STS;
  • CASCO policy;
  • old car passport;
  • identity cards;
  • receipt of money for property;
  • an agreement to buy and sell a car.

That should be enough. Do not forget about paying the fee and presenting evidence of the relevant transaction. All this is extremely important for the new owner of the car. Until the person pays, the vehicle's title will not be reissued.

Procedure for registration when buying from hand

A few words about how to work with a vehicle passport when buying a car from hand. Almost the same will be the issuance of a duplicate document in case of damage, loss or theft of a car passport.

In order to carry outregistering a vehicle after buying it from hand, as well as issuing a new registration certificate, you will need:

  1. Create a package of documents. We have already got acquainted with their list.
  2. Apply to the registration authority (traffic police, MFC). If you want, you can submit a request through the "State Services", but this is sometimes problematic, especially for new users.
  3. Pay a fee to the state treasury. Details for payment will be issued when contacting the traffic police.
  4. Apply for re-registration of a car.
  5. Get documents in hand - STS, PTS.

You can redo the car insurance and use the vehicle without any problems. The re-issue of the title of a car is carried out within a few hours. The maximum waiting period is 1 day.

Replacement documents

As we have already said, under certain circumstances, a reissue of the vehicle passport is required. After this operation, you need to replace all existing documents on the car. Replacing the vehicle passport or its adjustment is carried out quickly.

In order to carry out the operation without problems, the owner of the vehicle must prepare:

  • identity card;
  • STS;
  • PTS (if available);
  • document with car insurance;
  • receipt of duty payment;
  • application for a new document.

It's really not as difficult as it seems. A copy of the registration certificate for the car in the traffic police will not be accepted even if there is certification by a notary.

Duplicate car passport
Duplicate car passport

Important: after reissue due toloss, theft, loss or damage to the document, a duplicate of the title will be issued to the citizen. The corresponding mark will be on the front side of the form of the established form. It means that the original certificate was once there, but for one reason or another it disappeared.

Algorithm for obtaining a duplicate

To apply for a duplicate vehicle title, you can contact:

  • traffic police;
  • MFC;
  • one stop shop service.

If you want to request a document via the Internet, the "Gosuslugi" service will do. It is on this option that we will dwell in more detail. After all, we personally considered the algorithm of actions for obtaining a TCP in the traffic police. Similarly, you will have to act when reissuing paper. The difference lies only in the presented package of documents.

PTS through "Gosuslugi"
PTS through "Gosuslugi"

The owner will need:

  1. Register for "Gosuslugi" and verify your identity.
  2. Select "Catalogue of services" - "GosAvtoInspektsiya" - "Registration of the vehicle".
  3. Click on the appropriate item. For example, "Issuance of a duplicate TCP".
  4. Click on the "Get…" button.
  5. Specify reason for replacement.
  6. Fill out the electronic request form. To do this, you will need to carefully study the hints near the empty fields.
  7. Select the place to receive the document. Sometimes the user is prompted to sign up at the MFC or the traffic police.
  8. Pay the prescribed fee.
  9. Wait for an invitation to the registration authority.
  10. Pick up the TCP forcar, presenting the previously listed papers.
How to order PTS
How to order PTS

That's it. Similarly, you can remove the car from the register, make changes to the TCP for the car, or register the vehicle with the traffic police. "Gosuslugi" will process the request in just a few days. The main thing is to register on the service in advance.

Cost of services

How much is the state fee for issuing a vehicle passport? The answer depends on:

  • how to get the document;
  • reasons for the owner to apply to the registration authority.

If a person personally submits a request to the traffic police, he can be guided by the following rates:

  • new TCP - 1,650 rubles;
  • correction of the owner's surname or registration - 500 rubles;
  • registration of vehicles of category "A" and motorcycles, amendments due to purchase - 350 rubles;
  • registration actions, document adjustment due to change of ownership - 350 rubles.

Until January 1, 2019, when paying the fee through "Gosuslugi", a citizen receives a 30% discount. Accordingly, fees can be significantly reduced legally.

Copy or original

Some citizens are wondering if it is necessary to carry a TCP with them. By law in Russia it is required to have this paper. But you don't have to bring it with you. Instead of a PTS, the driver must have:

  • STS;
  • insurance;
  • driver's license.

A copy of the vehicle passport certified by a notary may be requiredin the glove compartment, but it will not be legally binding. Therefore, they either carry the original document with them, or refuse this idea altogether.

When making transactions with property, only original titles or their duplicates with the appropriate mark are accepted. Copies of papers, as in the previous case, are not considered.
