V6 engine: description, specifications, volume, features

V6 engine: description, specifications, volume, features
V6 engine: description, specifications, volume, features

The engine is the main power unit in the design of any car. It is thanks to the internal combustion engine that the car is set in motion. Of course, there are a lot of other components to implement the torque - gearbox, axle shafts, cardan shaft, rear axle. But it is the engine that generates this torque, which subsequently, passing through all these nodes, will drive the wheels. Today there are different types of motor installations. They are divided according to the type of power supply (diesel, gasoline), as well as the installation method (transverse, longitudinal). There is another classification. It implies the way the cylinders themselves are arranged. So, in-line motors and V-shaped ones are distinguished. We will talk about the latter (V-6) today.


What is a V6 engine? This is an internal combustion engine that has six cylinders in its design. However, they are not located in a row, but opposite each other. They are usually angled at:

  • 60 degrees.
  • 90 degrees.
engine v6 3 0
engine v6 3 0

As for in-line units, they have cells for cylinders strictly vertical. The V6 engine is the second most popular engine after the in-line four-cylinder internal combustion engine. The first motor with this configuration appeared in the 50th year of the last century on the Lancia car. Subsequently, it began to be used on Ford cars.

The V6 engine was also installed by the Germans. However, these were business class models. A striking example is the Opel Omega V6. The engine of this brand was distinguished by a high resource and good performance. The French did not lag behind fashion.

peugeot v6 engine
peugeot v6 engine

So, the car "Peugeot 605" with a six-cylinder V-engine of 3 liters became very successful. According to reviews, this motor is very reliable.

Design Features

Unlike the Row, the V6 engine is unbalanced. In fact, two three-cylinder engines are combined here. Such a design without modifications can cause significant vibration during operation. To prevent the motor from vibrating excessively, the V6 2.5 engine uses a so-called crankshaft imbalance. The latter is equipped with special counterweights. Some motors have an imbalanced pulley and flywheel. This balances the force of inertia from the tops of the connecting rods and the first order pistons.

There are more advanced modifications. So, the V6 3.0 engine can be equipped with a balancing shaft. It rotates at the same frequency as the crankshaft,however, this happens in reverse. This design allows for high smoothness and stability of the power unit.

An interesting feature: in the V6 engine, the moment of inertia of the second order is left free. This force is absorbed by the engine mounts themselves. Typically, this moment of inertia is half that of the first order.

Camber angle

It is worth noting that the above two angles are not the main ones for V-shaped six-cylinder engines. So, in the design, an angle can be used in:

  • 120 degrees.
  • 75 degrees.
  • 65 degrees.
  • 54 degrees.


Separately, it is worth noting six-cylinder units with a camber angle of 15 degrees. These are VR-6 motors. What are the features of such units? These setups are not as balanced as the classic V6 engine. However, due to the small camber angle, these motors are extremely compact, not only in width but also in length.

As for the working volume, these units can have from two to five liters. It is not advisable to use a smaller volume. The reason is the high manufacturing cost.

v6 engine 2.5
v6 engine 2.5

At the moment, these six-cylinder units are used by the Volkswagen concern. By the way, for the first time, the Germans used these engines on the Passat and Golf. Subsequently, the six-cylinder unit began to be used on the Volkswagen Corrado and Sharan. The units had a working volume of 2.8-2.9 liters and developed a capacity of 174 and 192 horsepower.respectively.

V6 engine today

Modern six-cylinder V-engines have a crankshaft with six cranks (offset crankpins). They provide a uniform ignition interval of the fuel-air mixture. And the moment of inertia of the first order is stabilized by means of a balancing shaft.

toyota v6 engine
toyota v6 engine

Sports cars most often use large, 120-degree camber. Such a motor is wider than its counterparts. However, its main plus in the low center of gravity. This has a positive effect on the maneuverability and handling of the car.

There are two connecting rods on the crankpin. This configuration is characterized by a high first-order moment. Therefore, a balancing shaft is necessarily used in the design. Thanks to him, not only vibration is reduced, but also a high smoothness of the power unit is ensured.

60-degree camber motors

Such units were installed on the Volvo XC-90 of the first generations. These motors did not require the use of balancing shafts, and were also highly compact. One of the most popular motor lines with this configuration is Duratek.

What are the V6 reviews saying?

First, consider the advantages of using such motors. Reviews say that engines with a similar layout are very compact. This allows easy access to any attachment and maintenance.

timing v6 engine
timing v6 engine

Probably manyremember what in-line six-cylinder engines looked like on passenger front-wheel drive Volvos - there was no more room in the engine compartment except for the engine. The V-shaped layout allows for more space without sacrificing power and torque. Also, these units have a low center of gravity, which has a positive effect on handling. The cylinder block on the V-engine is very strong and durable, which cannot be said about the rower.


The first drawback of these power plants is the complexity of manufacturing. Any V-twin will be more expensive to manufacture than an in-line counterpart. This also affects the price of the car itself. The difference between the cost of a car with a 4-cylinder engine and a V6 is simply colossal.

Also note that V-braces use a different design of parts in the gas distribution mechanism. There are two heads here. Accordingly, other camshafts, other valves and belts are needed. Inline engines have a simpler head (especially the very first ones, where only one camshaft was used and there were two valves per cylinder).

v6 engine reviews
v6 engine reviews

As noted by the reviews, the V6 engine is difficult to repair. This also affects the cost of the work performed, as the owners say. With scheduled maintenance, it is difficult to get to the elementary spark plugs. There are also two valve covers that can "sweat" twice as often as on a regular rower.


So we figured out what a V6 engine is. As you can see, this unit is not without flaws and is usedonly because the in-line six-cylinder engine simply does not fit in the engine compartment of an ordinary passenger car. Also, this unit has a low center of gravity, but that's where all the pluses end.

In order for the motor not to vibrate, it is necessary to refine the design, and this is significantly reflected in the cost of the internal combustion engine. The timing system is built in a slightly different way, and when servicing, it is difficult to get to the spark plugs.

To say that a V-engine is worse or better than an in-line engine is impossible. It has both pros and cons. But if the goal is to increase the volume of the car, the V-twin engine will definitely be better, since it does not take up much space under the hood.
