Internet magazine of useful articles about your favorite cars

Motorcycles of Russia: overview of models, specifications, manufacturers

Motorcycles of Russia: overview of models, specifications, manufacturers

Motorcycles of Russia: review of models, photos, production, features. Russian motorcycles: description, characteristics, manufacturers

Failed brake pedal - what to do?

Failed brake pedal - what to do?

Those motorists who have experienced the problem of a failed brake pedal know firsthand how extreme this situation can be. You can talk endlessly about the consequences of an inoperative brake system, therefore, in order not to get into an emergency, you should carefully monitor the technical condition of this system and regularly make diagnostics. In this article, we will look at the reasons that affect the failure of the brake pedal

Most expensive car - who has an extra 4 million?

The most expensive car is a bit vague concept, because it is necessary to take into account such criteria as seriality and exclusivity, vintage and modern

Interesting articles

Opel Astra H: fuse box. "Opel Astra N": layout of relays and fuses

Opel Astra H: fuse box. "Opel Astra N": layout of relays and fuses

On Opel Astra N cars, fuse blocks play a very important role in protecting the vehicle from fire due to a sharp increase in voltage. Therefore, some information about their location, functioning and device will be very useful for a motorist

Liquid car cover: what is it and why is it needed

When going on a long trip, caring car owners seek to protect their "iron horse". And if earlier it was necessary to glue the film for this, today everything is much simpler - a special liquid cover for cars has been developed

MeMZ-307: description, specifications and operating features

Description of the main technical characteristics of the MeMZ-307 engine. Design features and service. Malfunctions and repair of the power unit, revision of MeMZ-307. Subtleties and nuances of engine operation. Tips for car owners

Bridgestone Ice Cruiser review. "Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 7000": advantages and disadvantages of winter tires

Most motorists, when changing shoes for their car, prefer reliable and proven Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 7000 tires. Reviews of these winter tires indicate that many car owners in our country have already experienced this type of rubber on Russian roads and were very pleased with its quality and technical and operational characteristics
