How to clean the DMRV: funds

How to clean the DMRV: funds
How to clean the DMRV: funds

Every vehicle owner who cares about his car and is interested in it knows perfectly well what a mass air flow sensor, or MAF, is. Also, many motorists know what functions this device performs. At the same time, not every driver knows how to clean the DMRV. And what exactly is this detail and what is its role? This question is relevant for many beginners.

What kind of device is this?

This element is available in any modern car, since the era of carburetor engines has passed and the electronic control unit (ECU), or in another way the controller, is responsible for many operations. Many drivers generally call him "brains".

Mass air flow sensor
Mass air flow sensor

DMRV is used to measure the amount of air supplied to the engine. However, this device does not measure its volume, but only determines how much mass passes per unit of time, sending data to the computer. In turn, the controller“understands” how much air has entered the cylinders at any given time, and depending on this, adjusts the fuel supply. As a result, the engine runs smoothly and without interruption.

Beginners may be interested not only in whether it is possible to clean the DMRV, but, in fact, where it is located. As a rule, this device is located in the area between the air filter housing and the pipe that goes to the throttle valve. They are equipped not only with gasoline, but also with diesel power units.

Design Features

DMRV is of two types:

  • film;
  • wire (filament).

The fundamental difference between them lies in the fact that in a film-type device, a film with a measuring platinum resistor attached to it acts as a sensitive element. The filament counterpart uses a thin wire of the same material. You can immediately understand that the purchase of a new device is not the cheapest event.

When is it time to clean?

But regardless of the type of sensor, over time it begins to malfunction due to contamination - platinum measuring elements are covered with dust. Therefore, the question of how to clean the DMRV will always be relevant.

Sensor photo
Sensor photo

Why does this happen? The main cause of sensor contamination lies on the surface - the poor condition of the air filter. If the filter element is of poor build quality, then it is not able to retain microscopic particles of dirt and dust,settling on the sensing element of the MAF.

As a result, the device is not able to accurately measure the amount of air and sends incorrect data to the computer. It is not difficult to guess where this might lead. Here we are slowly approaching some tell-tale signs that may indicate that the sensor is clogged and needs to be cleaned:

  • The need to clean the MAF on a VAZ or other cars occurs when the engine runs intermittently at idle, in some cases they are too high - up to 1500.
  • Vehicle may jerk, hard to accelerate.
  • Sometimes the engine won't start at all.
  • Increased fuel consumption - sometimes up to 15 liters per 10 km.
  • Check Engine signal on dashboard.

However, the above signs do not always accurately indicate the contamination of the DMRV. A variety of situations can arise, and among them is the one when the sensor itself is in order, and the malfunction lies in the hose that connects the device to the module.

Location of DMRV
Location of DMRV

In other words, although there are many obvious signs of a malfunction in a particular part of the car, they can point to any other breakdown.

Sensor check

To make sure that the sensor is malfunctioning and to understand whether it is necessary to clean the mass air flow sensor on the VAZ-2114 or not, whether it needs cleaning or whether you have to go to the store for a new mass air flow sensor, you will need a multimeter known to radio amateurs:

  • The device switches to voltage measurement mode (voltmeter).
  • Set limit to 2 V.
  • There are two wires in the sensor connector - yellow (it goes to the ECU) and green (connects to ground).
  • Voltage is measured between these wires, and only the ignition should be turned on.
  • Now it remains to look at the readings of the device.

If the measurement result is 0.99-0.02, the sensor is OK. If the upper threshold is exceeded to 0.03, the DMRV needs to be cleaned and the sooner the better. In the case when the measurements are less than the lower limit (0.95) or the upper limit is too high (0.05), then the chances of a successful outcome are 50/50. That is, either cleaning will help and the sensor will function properly again, or you need to buy a new device.

Sensor contamination
Sensor contamination

Besides this, you can understand whether to clean the DMRV on the VAZ-2110 or not, using another method when there is no multimeter at hand. Disconnect the sensor, then start the engine, raise the speed to 2000 and ride a little. If at this moment there are obvious changes, the car has become more dynamic, then the sensor is definitely dirty.

Cleaning products

Since the MAF sensor is made of platinum, therefore, it is necessary to choose the right agent to clean it. And first of all, it is worthwhile to understand what is absolutely impossible to use:

  • Any liquid containing acetone, ketone, ether.
  • Means for cleaning carburetors.
  • Cotton wrapped around a match, toothpick, etc.
  • Compressed air.

Whatthen it remains to use? Well, there are plenty of options here as well.

Liqui Moly

How to clean the MAF sensor? One option is Liqui Moly cleaning fluid. The company is known to many car enthusiasts as a manufacturer that makes only high-quality products for cars. In addition, the ratio between reliability and price is at the optimal level. As for the use of fluid for cleaning the DMRV, most vehicle owners have already managed to verify its effectiveness. This has not been proven by a single procedure. And if the sensor is in working condition, then even after cleaning it will be able to serve for no less time.

good remedy
good remedy

The fluid can be applied to both diesel and gasoline engines.


We can say that this is an old-fashioned method, which at the same time will never lose its relevance. Alcohol is able to effectively break down dirt and clogs. About 20 years ago, the question of how to clean the DMRV was mainly solved with the help of alcohol, and the method was held in high esteem by many drivers, but now they are trying to resort to it less and less.

Nevertheless, it is relevant in cases where the car owner needs to bill for washing with special means. Unfortunately, this disappointing practice is not uncommon in many service stations.

Liquid key

This remedy from a domestic manufacturer is sold as a spray. It is designed to get rid of hardened dirt on various vehicle components and assemblies.


With thismeans familiar to absolutely every motorist, regardless of experience. In addition, all other people who are not directly related to cars know about him. During its existence, WD-40 has proven itself well, and there is no doubt about its effectiveness.

Cleaning procedure
Cleaning procedure

For this reason, it is used not only to remove "deposits" from the bolts, but also to clean the MAF.

How to properly clean the MAF

Consider the procedure for cleaning the MAF using the example of a car of the 10th family - VAZ-2110:

  • Turn off the ignition.
  • Disconnect the MAF connector.
  • Remove the sensor itself, for which unscrew the bolts that attach it to the air filter housing. Depending on the car model, turning off the mass air flow sensor may be different.
  • The sensor is removed from its place, otherwise its cleaning will not be effective.
  • There is an area on the device itself with two bolts - they should also be unscrewed.
  • The selected cleaning agent is drawn into the syringe and then sprayed onto the sensing element. At the same time, if necessary, you can rinse the block with contacts.
  • Give time for everything to dry.
  • Assemble the sensor and install it in its place.

To make drying faster, you can use the compressor, only with minimal pressure. If the sensitive element is heavily soiled, the procedure should be repeated several times.

Required equipment
Required equipment

But even in this case, washing does not always give the desired result, andit remains to go to the nearest store for a new DMRV.

Additional manipulations

How to clean the DMRV, now it’s clear, but everything does not end with this procedure alone, it is necessary to perform a number of additional and necessary manipulations. And you need to do this before installing a clean device. And while the cleanser dries, it's time to deal with the air pipe. It is worth carefully examining it for integrity. And if the condition is unsatisfactory - there are cracks and other damage, then it should be replaced.

According to experts, it is advisable to replace the filter element before installing the DMRV. You should also check the condition of the sealing gum. Here it is important to pay attention to how tightly it fits, otherwise you cannot avoid the suction of outside air, which is flooded with various contaminants. As a result, cleaning will be required again, and in a fairly short time. Or this will completely lead to its failure.


Now the question of how to clean the DMRV should not arise even for beginners. In fact, the cleaning procedure does not require special skills and abilities. At the same time, it is necessary to act carefully, because the sensitive element is quite thin and, accordingly, fragile. As practice shows, the performance of the DMRV is restored in 8 cases out of 10, and this is a fairly high performance.

Removing the DMRV sensor
Removing the DMRV sensor

In any case, it is worth trying to flush the sensor, because such work will cost much less (10-15 times!) thanbuying a new device. Therefore, it is better to extend his life at least for a while.
