Snowmobile attachment to walk-behind tractor: reviews. Do-it-yourself snowmobile attachment: instructions, drawings

Snowmobile attachment to walk-behind tractor: reviews. Do-it-yourself snowmobile attachment: instructions, drawings
Snowmobile attachment to walk-behind tractor: reviews. Do-it-yourself snowmobile attachment: instructions, drawings

In the domestic expanses of winter are characterized by cold and snowy weather. A snowmobile attachment to a walk-behind tractor will allow you to cope with drifts in a private courtyard and near it. With the help of this device, you can not only clean the snow, but also tow various loads without fear of getting bogged down in a snowdrift. You can buy such equipment in specialized stores or do it yourself.

snowmobile attachment to motoblock
snowmobile attachment to motoblock

General Description

Modern agricultural mini-equipment has a fairly high power and performs many different functions. The winter period is no exception. The snowmobile attachment to the walk-behind tractor, selected taking into account the operating conditions and the capabilities of the equipment, will allow the unit to be used not only for clearing drifts, but also as a self-propelled unit. Having the necessary materials, drawings and some skills, it is quite possible to make such a device on your own.


Below are the main types of snowmobile attachments to the walk-behind tractor:

  • Auger fixtures. They work by gripping and movingsnow to a special hole designed for side ejection.
  • Air-ventilated type. In this design, the principle of operation of a vacuum cleaner is used. Snow particles are picked up by an air jet and removed from the back side.
  • Bulldozer version. This is the simplest attachment in the form of a plow mounted from the front of the machine.
  • Fan blade modification. Snow, falling on the blades, moves along an inclined pipe and is thrown to the side.

All of these models have their pros and cons. When choosing, one should take into account the goals and objectives necessary to achieve the ultimate goal. For example, for cleaning the courtyard area, a do-it-yourself home-made snowmobile attachment to a walk-behind tractor is quite suitable, the drawings of which are given below.

do-it-yourself snowmobile attachment to a walk-behind tractor
do-it-yourself snowmobile attachment to a walk-behind tractor

Operation principle

Any snow plow design basically has a mechanism for transmitting torque from the power take-off shaft to the working elements. The attachment configuration may differ in dimensions and design solutions with the implementation of a common task - the effective cleaning of a certain area from snow. For example, the snowmobile attachment to the Neva walk-behind tractor has a long service life and is designed for significant and extreme loads.


The attachments in question can be used not only for home use. Devices for a walk-behind tractor for clearing the territory from snow drifts are used when upgrading stadiums,squares, parks, jogging and bicycle paths. In addition, they can be used in municipal, industrial and farming applications.

snowmobile attachment to the Neva walk-behind tractor
snowmobile attachment to the Neva walk-behind tractor

Do-it-yourself snowmobile attachment to a walk-behind tractor

The self-made version without tracks will require minimal reworking of the structure, which will allow the equipment to be quickly transformed into a standard state for sowing and other agricultural work in the spring. Modernization includes the installation of wheels of a larger diameter, like karakat. Such elements do not have a hard tire; when moving through the snow, they wear out minimally. Craftsmen leave the tire, pull it together with bundles, which allows them to maintain their shape and improve grip on the coating. The variant with increased load capacity includes mounting of skis and additional protection on the wheels.

Instructions for making caterpillar modifications

The easiest way to make a snowmobile attachment to a walk-behind tractor on tracks is from a conveyor belt and bush-roller chains. The process consists of the following steps:

  • First, the thickness of the tape is selected, taking into account the power of the power unit.
  • Then, the edges of the part are processed to prevent them from fraying. The edges of the tape are sewn together using a special hinge.
  • This design, despite its primitiveness, serves for a long time and is reliable, subject to repair.
  • The system also includes houndstooth cutters to improve workflow in particularly hard ground.

To create a modification according to all the rulesit is advisable to make preliminary drawings of the snowmobile attachments of the walk-behind tractor from several angles.

Variant from car tires

This is one of the most popular ways to make a snowmobile attachment for a walk-behind tractor. First, tires from a large truck are selected, taking into account the pattern and shape of the tread. For a caterpillar modification, the tire is cut in such a way that only the running belt remains without beads. This can be done with a sharpened shoe knife.

drawings of snowmobile attachments of a walk-behind tractor
drawings of snowmobile attachments of a walk-behind tractor

Such work will require a lot of effort and time, since the manipulations are quite painstaking. To simplify the task, it is necessary to periodically lubricate the treated surface of the cutting tool with soapy water. You will also need to model the track lugs yourself.

The advantages of such self-made "tracks" are that the tire itself is a closed loop element. This significantly reduces the likelihood of its rupture and deformation during operation. The disadvantages include covering a fixed tire with a not very large soil surface. This problem can be solved by doubling or tripling the tire.


For self-production of a snowmobile attachment to a walk-behind tractor, you will need the following set of tools:

  • "Bulgarian", electric jigsaw.
  • Set of wrenches.
  • Nuts and washers with bolts.
  • Welding machine.
  • Screwdriver set.
  • Shoe knife.
  • Chains, wire, grinding equipment.
do-it-yourself snowmobile attachment to a walk-behind tractor drawings
do-it-yourself snowmobile attachment to a walk-behind tractor drawings

Snowmobile attachment to motoblock: reviews

Users note that factory caterpillar structures, aggregated with a walk-behind tractor, make it possible to turn equipment not just into a snowplow, but almost into a full-fledged all-terrain vehicle. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the power of the engine, selecting the appropriate load. The simplest home-made attachments make it possible to effectively cope with small snow drifts and clear the area. At the same time, there is a significant savings compared to factory counterparts, with minimal loss of functionality.
