Engine oil Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30: reviews of car owners

Engine oil Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30: reviews of car owners
Engine oil Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30: reviews of car owners

A modern Japanese fuel and lubricants company - Idemitsu Zepro Touring - offers a series of very high quality motor oils, of which the most popular product is 5W30. Let us further consider its main features, composition, purpose, as well as some reviews left by motorists.

Idemitsu Zepro Touring F/S 5W30
Idemitsu Zepro Touring F/S 5W30

About the manufacturer

As noted by the Oil Club rankings, Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 is the best oil currently being produced. However, before proceeding to consider the main features of this product, you should pay attention to its manufacturer.

The manufacturer of the oil in question is the Japanese company Idemitsu, which relatively recently entered the global fuel and lubricants market. In the domestic market, its products have gained popularity among motorists from the first steps.

Idemitsu launches high-end motor oil, the level of which is indicated by the fact that its products are filledinto the engines of brand new cars that have just rolled off the assembly line. This is due only to the fact that oils from Idemitsu are able to fully protect the engine from damage of any type, as well as from excessive consumption of combustible material.

Today, the company produces a wide range of products intended for use not only in passenger cars, but also in other vehicles. Consider further the features of Zepro Touring 5W30 branded oil.

Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 Oil Club
Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 Oil Club


Reviews of Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 often say that this product has an excellent composition based on synthetic fibers. It contains the highest quality ingredients that fully meet the requirements for machine lubrication.

The structure of the product in question includes highly effective additives, the action of which is aimed at achieving environmental friendliness and reducing fuel consumption. The use of Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 oil ensures long engine life.

In reviews of Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30, it is noted that when using this oil, the car starts without any problems even at low air temperatures (up to -30 degrees).

A significant advantage of the oil in question is that it does not contain such components harmful to the engine, such as sulfur, chlorine and nitrogen.

About markings

Reviews of the Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 SN very often talk about highquality of the product, which is confirmed by its markings added to the name. Among them are the designations SN and GF-5. What do these indicators mean?

The manufacturer notes that the SN marking indicates the high quality of the product, which is expressed in providing them with additional protection of the motor from wear, as well as the formation of hooks and jamming. As for the designation GF-5, it indicates that the oil in question does not have the ability to burn out quickly, and also does not undergo evaporation and oxidation. Moreover, this indicator indicates the ability of the product to effectively clean the engine and significantly reduce the consumption of the fuel contained in it.

Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 reviews
Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 reviews

Oil Benefits

As for the advantages of Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 oil, these include, first of all, the fact that the product in question ensures that the physical and mechanical properties of the engine are maintained in a normal state, as well as its normal operation at any temperature.

What's more, using this product keeps the inside of the engine clean, making it last longer. This tool also reliably stabilizes the viscosity, volatility and antioxidant parameters. This product is almost non-flammable, which creates high-quality protection against the possible formation of deposits on the pistons.

Reviews of this tool, left by experts in the field of engine maintenance, it is often noted thatthe product in question is capable of exhibiting negligible volatility, excellent BN values and decent thermal stability.

A significant advantage of this product is that it is approved by API SN and ILSAC GF-5.

Use area

The main purpose of the product in question is its use in gasoline-type engines. Due to the high quality of the product, it can be used even in the newest units. Reviews of Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 (motor oil) often say that this product is ideally combined with 4-stroke engines, in addition to which turbocharging is installed.

As for the recommendations of the manufacturer himself, he advises boldly pouring such a product into engines made in Europe, which is due to the full compliance of the oil with the ACEA specification. He also notes that in addition to passenger cars, Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 is also great for trucks, SUVs, minibuses, and small cars.

The product in question is most often recommended for use in car engines of brands such as Subaru, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Honda and Mazda.

Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 advantages
Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 advantages

Product Specifications

The most important technical characteristics of any engine oil are its density, flash point, base number, and sulfate fraction. Let us further consider these and some other indicators characteristic of Idemitsu Zepro Touring F / S 5W30 oil.

Thisthe product has a class of 5W30, which means that this product is one of those that are advisable to use in the winter. As for the number 30 indicated on the label, it only means that Idemitsu Zepro Touring oil of this series greatly facilitates starting the engine at temperatures not lower than -30 degrees.

With a product density of 0.851, its viscosity is 59.85. As for the pour point of the product, it is -42.5 degrees.

As for the main indicators of the composition, the proportion of phosphorus in the product is 0.08%, and sulfate - 0.86% of its total weight. This indicator is considered more than acceptable and is the true advantage of the product. Base number of oil Idemitsu Zepro Touring SM 5W30 - 7, 76.

To avoid buying a counterfeit product, a motorist should pay attention to its color - the original oil has a light orange color, which is codified by the ASTM indicator L 2, 5.

Engine oil Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 reviews
Engine oil Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 reviews

Reviews and recommendations

There are a lot of positive reviews about the product in question. They quite often note that the product in question can be safely chosen even for the most expensive cars, regarding its quality at the highest level. Practice shows that when using such oil, you can significantly save money by purchasing a high-quality product at a relatively low cost.

Consumers of Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 oil often note that when itIn use, there is no formation of black smoke from the exhaust pipe, and the engine runs very quietly with it. It is also often mentioned the cost-effectiveness of spending the product, because despite the fact that the manufacturer indicates the consumption of 4 liters of funds per 10,000 km, in fact this figure is much higher - car owners assure that several thousand more can be driven on the remainder of the volume.

As for the main recommendations left by experienced motorists, they often note that the product in question is undesirable to use in the warm season, otherwise, under the influence of high temperature, its fluidity becomes too low, due to which the oil film formed on the walls of the unit, becomes more resistant and vulnerable, and the protection becomes ineffective.

Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 SM
Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 SM


A significant advantage of the oil in question is also its reasonable cost, set for a high quality product. So, the average price of Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 engine oil in the domestic fuel and lubricants market is about 1,500 rubles per 4 liters. If desired, it can be purchased in a smaller volume (1 liter), paying only 500 rubles for a bottle.

If you want to purchase a product in a larger volume, you need to pay attention to its packaging options of 20 and 200 liters, however, as practice shows, such product volume options are not so widely in demand - they are needed mainly by large enterprises servicing cars.

Automotive specialistsservice strongly recommend that you purchase the product only from trusted suppliers. This is necessary not only in order to save money, but also in order to avoid buying fakes, which are quite common due to the popularity of the oil in question.

Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 SN reviews
Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 SN reviews

How to spot a fake

With the entry into the Russian market of the popular Japanese oil Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30, a large number of fakes of this product appeared. How can you tell a fake from an original during the buying process?

The first thing you should pay attention to is its cost, which was discussed above. In the event that the price of a canister of funds is lower than that indicated as official from the manufacturer, then such a purchase should be abandoned.

Attention should also be paid to the manufacturer of the product. Genuine Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 oil can only be made in Japan. Practice shows that in fact, often on the product canister in the "Manufacturer" column, one can observe countries such as Korea, China or Malaysia - all these are fakes, since Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W30 is not produced in the territories of these countries.

When buying oil, you should also pay attention to the quality of the soldering of the canister: if the seam is crooked or uneven, you are dealing with a fake product.
